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A Visit To Friends.
Оглавление"I will hold thee by thy right hand, saying unto thee, fear not, I will help thee."
"Once I held in my hand an open letter, containing an invitation to visit friends I had never seen. My heart bounded with pleasure at thought of the journey, and the pleasant visit to follow; but, on second thought, it almost stood still--where could I get money and proper clothing? Several weeks passed in thought. I could see no way, and so I wrote my friends I could not come at present; but, in my heart, I could not give it up. My parents were visiting in the far West, and I had no one to advise me; so, up in my little room, night after night, I made it a point to tell the Lord about it; and soon it seemed as easy and right as though I were talking to a friend. One day, my brother-in-law said he would pay my expenses to and fro. I thanked him, and took fresh courage, and still kept on praying. Then the same good brother gave me money for a dress; then a friend furnished other articles, and soon, I was en route for the quaint old city by the sea. Every step was accomplished by the simple way of prayer; and, when I slept, late that night, in a cosy room at the Methodist parsonage in N.B., I could look back over the last few weeks, and thank God for the power of prayer. But the best of it all was the lesson I had learned--one which I shall never forget, while memory holds her magic power--to carry everything to God in prayer; to trust him in every matter, however small; and this is the whole secret of the power that lies in prayer."
"I found another lady visitor at my friend's and we were to share the same bed. This was a little trial; I had to ask the Lord to give me patience--and He did. One night, I was very restless and nervous; I could not sleep. I knew I was disturbing my friend--soon she said, 'Annie, I am going to ask the Lord to come and put you to sleep. Now, lay still, and in five minutes you will be all right'. I did so, also breathing the words, 'Give me sleep, dear Saviour.' The room seemed to be full of a soft, soothing influence, and I fell asleep. Once only in the night I awoke, but soon went asleep. When I awoke in the morning, rested and refreshed, Tillie, who was dressing near me, looked up with her pleasant smile and said, 'Annie, how wonderful it was. You were asleep in less than five minutes. It seemed as though Jesus stood close by your side; I could almost see Him, I felt so clearly His presence. He is here now, Annie; can't you feel Him near? He was very good to you last night.' Yes, indeed, I felt the influence of His presence, and, all day, whenever I entered the room, I felt it, and it seemed as though I must tread softly, it was so like holy ground. This feeling lasted through my stay, and, last Winter, while again visiting the home of my friends, it all came back to me again. This beautiful influence has ever kept with me, and I never close my eyes in sleep until I say, 'Oh, Lord, breathe upon me the sweet spirit of sleep.' However weary, sick or nervous I may be, I feel that the soothing power will come; and, with my hand in His, I rest peacefully, at last."