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{3} I have seen in the “Irish Figaro”, May 6, 1899, a very pleasant notice, signed “J. Reid,” of this reprint.

Mr. Stock's reprint is of the facsimile order, and even faults of print are reproduced. I am not called upon to say with any precision what there are. On page 45 I observe “ear,” which should be “car”; on page 62, Angilico, and Rossini (for Rosini). On page 155 the words, “I believe that the thought-wrapped philosopher,” ought to begin a new sentence. On page 159 “Phyrnes” ought of course to be “Phrynes.” The punctuation could frequently be improved.

I will conclude by appending a little list (it makes no pretension to completeness) of writings bearing upon the Præraphaelite Brotherhood and its members. Writings of that kind are by this date rather numerous; but some readers of the present pages may not well know where to find them, and might none the less be inclined to read up the subject a little. I give these works in the order (as far as I know it) of their dates, without any attempt to indicate the degree of their importance. That is a question on which I naturally entertain opinions of my own, but I shall not intrude them upon the reader.

 Ruskin: Pre-Raphaelitism, 1854, and other later writings.

 F. G. Stephens: William Holman-Hunt and his Works, 1860.

 William Sharp: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1882.

 Hall Caine: Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1882.

 Walter Hamilton: The Æsthetic Movement in England, 1882.

 T. Watts-Dunton: The Truth about Rossetti, 1883, and other writings.

  W. Holman-Hunt: The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 1884 (?).

 Earnest Chesneau: La Peinture Anglaise, 1884 (?).

 Joseph Knight: Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1887.

 W. M. Rossetti: Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer, 1889.

 Harry Quilter: Preferences in Art, 1892.

 W. Bell Scott: Autobiographical Notes, 1892.

 Esther Wood: Dante Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement, 1894.

 Robert de la Sizeranne: La Peinture Anglaise Contemporaine, 1895.

 Dante G. Rossetti: Family Letters, with Memoir by W. M. Rossetti, 1895.

 Richard Muther: The History of Modern Painting, vols. ii. and iii., 1896.

 Ford H. M. Hueffer: Ford Madox Brown, 1896.

 Dante G. Rossetti: Letters to William Allingham, edited by Dr. Birkbeck Hill, 1897.

 M. H. Spielmann: Millais and his Works, 1898.

 Antonio Agresti: Poesie di Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Traduzione con uno Studio su la Pittura Inglese, etc., 1899.

 Fraulein Wilmersdoerffer: Dante Gabriel Rossetti und sein Einflusz, 1899.

 Edited by W. M. Rossetti: Ruskin, Rossetti, Præraphaelitism, 1899.

 J. Guille Millais: Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais, 1899.

 Percy H. Bate: The English Præraphaelite Painters, 1899.

 H. C. Marillier: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1899.

 Edited by W. M. Rossetti: Præraphaelite Diaries and Letters, 1899.

There are also books on Burne-Jones and Willaim Morris with which I am not accurately acquainted. It seems strange that no memoir of Thomas Woolner has yet been published; a fine sculptor and remarkable man known to and appreciated by all sorts of people, and certain to have figured extensively in correspondence. He died in October 1892. Mr. Holman-Hunt is understood to have been engaged for a long while past upon a book on Præraphaelitism which would cast into the shade most of the earlier literature on the subject.


London, July 1899.

N.B.—When the third number of the magazine was about to appear, with a change of title from “The Germ” to “Art and Poetry,” two fly-sheets were drawn up, more, I think, by Messrs. Tupper the printing-firm than by myself. They contain some “Opinions of the Press,” already referred to in this Introduction, and an explanation as to the change of title. The fly-sheets appear in facsimile as follows:

The Germ: Thoughts towards Nature in Poetry, Literature and Art

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