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Chapter III
Оглавление1. “How long may men bring out dung to the heap?” “Till the time comes for stopping work.” The words of R. Maier. R. Judah said, “till its fertility48 dry out.” R. José said, “till it hardens into a lump.”
2. “How much may men manure?” “As much as three times three heaps for fifty cubits square of ten times ten ass panniers, each containing a letech.49 They may increase the [pg 059] panniers, but they must not increase the heaps.” Rabbi Simon said, “also the heaps.”
3. A man may make for his field three times three heaps to the fifty cubits square. “For more than these he must excavate the earth.” The words of R. Simon. But the Sages “forbid it, till he sink the heaps three handbreadths, or till he raise them three above the earth.” A man may keep his manure in store. Rabbi Maier “forbade it till he sink it three handbreadths, or till he raise it three.” If he have only a little, he may increase it and proceed in his work. Rabbi Eleazar, the son of Azariah, “forbade it till he sink the manure three handbreadths, or raise it three, or till he place it on a rock.”
4. “He who stables his cattle in his field?” “He may make a pen twice fifty cubits square. He may remove three sides and leave the middle one. It follows that he has a stable four times fifty cubits square.” Rabbi Simon, the son of Gamaliel, said “eight times fifty cubits square.” “If his whole field were four times fifty square cubits?” “He should leave a little space because of the observant eye, and he may remove the manure of his cattle from the pen and put it into the middle of his field, as men usually manure.”
5. A man may not open a quarry in the beginning of the Sabbatical year in his field, unless there be already in it three heaps of stones measuring three cubits by three cubits, and in height three cubits, counting twenty-seven stones in each heap.
6. A fence composed of ten stones each, of weight sufficient for two men, may be removed. “If the fence measure ten handbreadths?” “Less than this he may clear off, but he must leave it a handbreadth high over the ground.” These words only speak of his own field. But from his neighbor's field he may take away what he pleases. These words speak of the time when one did not begin the work on the eve of the Sabbatical year. “But if one begin on the eve of the Sabbatical year?” “He may take away what he pleases.”
7. Stones shaken by the plough, or those covered and afterward exposed, if there be among them two of a burden for two men, may be removed. He who removes stones from his field may remove the upper (ones),50 but he must leave those touching the earth. And so also from a heap of rubbish, or a [pg 060] heap of stones, one may take away the upper part, but must leave that which touches51 the earth. If there be beneath them a rock, or stubble, they may be removed.
8. Men must not build terraces on the face of the hills on the eve of the Sabbatical year, when the rains have ceased, because that is preparation for the Sabbatical year. But one may build them in the Sabbatical year, when the rains have ceased, because that is preparation for the close of the Sabbatical year. And men must not strengthen them with mortar, but they may make a slight wall. Every stone which they can reach52 with their hands and remove, they may remove.
9. “Shoulder stones may come from every place, and the contractor may bring them from every place. And these are shoulder stones, every one which cannot be carried in one hand.” The words of R. Maier. Rabbi José said, “shoulder stones, commonly so named, all that can be carried, two, three, upon the shoulder.”
10. He who builds a fence between his own and public property may sink it down to the rock. “What shall he do with the dust?” “He may heap it up on the public property, and benefit it.” The words of R. Joshua. R. Akiba said, “as we have no right to injure public property, so we have no right to benefit it.” “What shall he do with the dust?” “He may heap it up in his own field like manure, and so also when he digs a well, or a cistern, or a cave.”