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Rottot, Jean Philippe


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Rottot, Jean Philippe, M.D., Montreal, was born at L’Assomption, county of L’Assomption, July 3rd, 1825. His grandfather, Pierre Rottot, who had been gazetted captain of the Canadian Voltigeurs in 1812, was killed at the battle of St. Régis, on the 20th October of the same year. After his death, his son, Pierre Rottot, the doctor’s father, was appointed lieutenant to the “Chasseurs Canadiens,” commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel de Courci, and was present at the different engagements which took place between the English and American troops during the war of 1812, among others at the expedition to the Salmon river, and at the battles of Plattsburg and Chrysler’s Farm. Dr. Rottot received his education at the College of Montreal. He studied medicine at the School of Medicine and Surgery of Montreal, and was admitted to practice on the 16th November, 1847. After practising a few years in the country, he took up his residence in Montreal. In 1856 he was elected, without opposition, a member of the City council of Montreal. At the expiration of his term of office he declined re-nomination, in order to devote himself wholly to his profession. About 1860 he was appointed physician to the Hôtel-Dieu, and professor of the School of Medicine and Surgery of Montreal, where he occupied successively the chairs of botany, toxicology, medical jurisprudence, and internal pathology. In 1872 he became editor-in-chief of L’Union Médicale du Canada, which was just being founded. He was president of the St. Jean Baptiste Society of Montreal in 1877 and 1878. About the same time he was elected president of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the province of Quebec. In 1878 he resigned his chair at the School of Medicine and Surgery, and was appointed professor of internal pathology and dean of the faculty of medicine of Laval University at Montreal. Dr. Rottot was one of the founders of the Notre Dame Hospital. During his medical career he has been the physician of the greater number of the charitable institutions of Montreal, and is at present physician to the reverend gentlemen of the Seminary of Saint Sulpice, and the reverend ladies of the General Hospital. Dr. Rottot was twice married; the first time to S. O’Leary, daughter of Dr. O’Leary, and the second time to the widow of N. Migneault, in his lifetime registrar of Chambly county. Mrs. Migneault is a sister of P. B. Benoit, ex-member of the House of Commons. By his first wife he had three children, the eldest of whom belongs to the order of the Reverend Jesuit Fathers, and is professor of philosophy in St. Mary’s College, Montreal.

A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography

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