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Nettleton, John


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Nettleton, John, Mayor of Collingwood, Simcoe county, Ontario, was born at Lofthouse, Yorkshire, England, on the 12th of November, 1832, his father, William Nettleton, and grandfather before him, carrying on the business of merchant tailors in that village. After learning the business with his father, Mr. Nettleton, jr., worked at the trade in the following places, viz.: Leeds, London, Manchester and Liverpool, and at the latter place he was married to Elizabeth Boardman Womersley, on the 9th May, 1853, in St. Peter’s Church. On the 4th of April, 1857, he and his wife and one child emigrated to Canada, arriving in Toronto on the 23rd of the same month. After staying there and at Markham village for a short time, he finally settled down in Collingwood, then a town only in its infancy. In 1859 he commenced business for himself, and has lived there continuously ever since. In 1867 he was elected by acclamation as town councillor for the Centre ward, and for sixteen years he has held the position of either councillor or deputy reeve. He was elected to the mayoralty in 1886, and re-elected in 1887. He has been connected with and has taken an active part in almost everything that has been advanced for the improvement of the town since the time he took up his abode in it. In February, 1862, he was initiated into Free Masonry, in Manitou lodge, No. 90, G.R.C., and after having passed through all the subordinate offices, he was elected Master in 1867, which position he held for two years. After being out for a short time, he subsequently was re-elected, and held the office for three years more. In 1870 he was appointed by the Grand Lodge of Canada a grand steward; in 1873 he was elected grand registrar, and in 1879 district deputy grand master for the Georgian district, which position he held for two years. He was also the means of instituting Caledonia lodge, No. 249, Angus, and Granite lodge, No. 352, Parry Sound. In both instances he was elected their first master, and now holds the position of honorary member in each lodge. He was also presented by these lodges with a full set of Grand Lodge regalia, in recognition of his services. In Royal Arch masonry he has taken the same interest as in the Blue lodge, having been elected first principal Z in Manitou chapter, No. 27, which office he has held for several years. He is also past eminent commander of Hurontario Encampment of Knights Templars, and was elected honorary member of Mount Calvary Preceptory, No. 12, G.R.C., Barrie. He has also taken an active part in other benevolent societies as well as Masonic, and was mainly instrumental in organizing the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Select Knights, and also the Sons of England Benevolent Society, in all of which he was their first master. Mr. Nettleton has also taken an active part in every political movement that has taken place in the county during his residence in Collingwood, and has always worked for and voted with the Liberal-Conservative party. He is a member of the Church of England and has held the position of church warden in All Saints’ Church. His family consists of eight children, six boys and two girls, the former all being grown up and established in business.

A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography

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