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Hinson, Walter


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Hinson, Rev. Walter, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Moncton, New Brunswick, was born at Chesham, England, on the 14th of May, 1858, and came to Canada in 1879. His father, Thomas Hinson, and mother, Mary Benwell, are both alive, and are residing in Hertfordshire, Eng.; he has a brother and sister in London. Rev. Mr. Hinson was educated at Hulme Cliff College in Derbyshire, and Harley House, East London, England. He studied for the ministry, and was ordained in 1880. He is a member of the Eastern New Brunswick Baptist Association, and the church of which he is pastor is one of the most important centres of religious activity in the district. It has a membership of between six and seven hundred, and over four hundred scholars in its Sunday-school. For general benevolence and Christian aggressiveness its record is good. Rev. Mr. Hinson has always been a total abstainer, and from early youth connected with temperance societies. He is at present a member of the Moncton Division, Sons of Temperance, and is considered one of the most aggressive of the temperance army in New Brunswick. Mr. Hinson was brought up among the Baptists, and very naturally feels greatly at home in, and is one of the leading lights of, the denomination. In the pulpit he possesses a peculiar power, his manner and matter being forcible and original, and we have no doubt there is a great future of usefulness before this young and rising divine. He was married in July, 1886, to Jennie A. Austin, of Herts, England.

A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography

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