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Currey, Lemuel Allan


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Currey, Lemuel Allan, M.A., Barrister-at-law, St. John, New Brunswick, was born at Gagetown, Queens county, on 11th July, 1856. He belongs to a very ancient family, and one of the founders being the Earl Currey, who lived in the time of Cromwell, and owned large estates in Leeds and vicinity, England. His son, John Currey, was born in Leeds in 1688, and came to the city of New York about the year 1700, where he married, and died young of an epidemic, leaving one son, Richard Currey, who was born 4th November, 1709. Richard married a lady of the name of Elizabeth Jones, and removed to Peekskill, on the Hudson, New York state, where he died on March 20, 1806. By this marriage there were three sons and seven daughters born. The eldest son was Joshua Currey, who married Eunice Travis at Peekskill. At the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, Joshua Currey sided with the British, but the rest of the family sympathised with the colonists. During these troublesome times Mr. Currey had several narrow escapes for his life. At one time he had to hide himself under the floor of his house to escape the fury of the revolutionists, and his son David was nearly killed by them by being buried in a sandpit. Joshua and his family managed to make good their escape, and, joining a band of loyalists, reached St. John, New Brunswick, in October 23, 1783, where he remained one year, and then removed to Gagetown, where he died in 1802. He left large estates in New York state, but he, however, succeeded in carrying away with him in his flight a large sum of money. He had a family of five sons and two daughters. His second son, David Currey, who was born at Peekskill, April 27, 1767, died at Gagetown, August 12, 1827. This gentleman married Dorothy Estey, by whom he had twelve children, one of whom, James Robert Currey, who was born in 1817, was the father of the subject of our sketch, and was by profession a barrister in Gagetown, and registrar of probates, and clerk of the Queens county court. His mother was Sarah Amelia, daughter of Reuben Hoben. Lemuel Allan Currey received his literary education at the Queens County Grammar School, and at the University of New Brunswick, where he graduated in 1876, with honours in the first division, taking a special prize for general proficiency. After graduating he entered as a student-at-law with his father, with whom he studied till 1880, and during said period taught the Queens County Grammar School for two and a-half years. In 1880 he entered Harvard Law School, where he remained one year, taking a special course. He then entered the office of S. Alward, D.C.L., barrister, St. John. Mr. Currey was admitted an attorney in 1882, and a barrister the following year. Since his enrolment he has practised law at St. John. In 1873-4 he attended the Military School at Fredericton, and took a certificate. He is a member of the Young Men’s Liberal-Conservative Club, of St. John, a member of St. George’s Society, and belongs to Union lodge, of Portland, A. F. and A. M. In religion he belongs to the Episcopal church, and in politics is a Conservative.

A Cyclopædia of Canadian Biography

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