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ОглавлениеMundus.Welcome, fayre chylde, what is thy name?
Infans.I wote not, syr, withouten blame.
But ofte tyme my moder in her game
Callèd me dalyaunce.
Mundus.Dalyaunce, my swetė chylde,
It is a name that is ryght wylde,
For whan thou waxest olde.
It is a name of no substaunce
But, my fayre chylde, what woldest thou have?
Infans.Syr of some comforte I you crave—
Mete and clothe my lyfe to save:
And I your true servaunt shall be.
Mundus.Fayre chylde, I graunte thee thyne askynge.
I wyll thee fynde[15] whyle thou art yinge[16]
So thou wylte be obedyent to my byddynge.
These garments gaye I gyve to thee.
And also I gyve to thee a name,
And clepe[17] thee Wanton, in every game;
Tyll XIII yere be come and gone,
And than come agayne to me.
[Infans is now called Wanton.]
Wanton.Gramercy, Worlde, for myne araye,
For now I purpose me to playe.
Mundus.Fare well, fayre chylde, and have good daye.
All rychelesnesse[18] is kynde[19] for thee.
[Mundus goes out leaving Wanton alone.]
Wanton.Aha, Wanton is my name!
I can many a quayntė game.
Lo, my toppe I dryve in same,
Se, it torneth rounde!
I can with my scorgė-stycke
My felowe upon the heed hytte,
And wyghtly[20] from hym make a skyppe
And blere[21] on hym my tonge.
If brother or syster do me chyde
I wyll scratche and also byte.
I can crye, and also kyke,
And mocke them all berewe.
If fader or mother wyll me smyte,
I wyll wryngė[22] with my lyppe;
And lyghtly from hym make a skyppe;
And call my damė shrewe.
Aha, a newe game have I founde:
Se this gynne[23] it renneth rounde;
And here another have I founde,
And yet mo[24] can I fynde.
I can mowė[25] on a man;
And make a lesynge[26] well I can,
And mayntayne it ryght well than.
This connynge[27] came me of kynde.
Ye, syrs,[28] I can well gelde a snayle;
And catche a cowe by the tayle;
This is a fayre connynge!
I can daunce, and also skyppe;
I can playe at the chery pytte;
And I can wystell you a fytte,[29]
Syres, in a whylowe ryne.[30]
Ye, syrs, and every daye
Whan I to scole shall take the waye
Some good mannes gardyn I wyll assaye,
Perys[31] and plommes to plucke.
I can spye a sparowes nest.
I wyll not go to scole but whan me lest,
For there begynneth a sory fest[32]
Whan the mayster sholde lyfte my docke.[33]
But, syrs, whan I was seven yere of age,
I was sent to the Worlde to takė wage.
And this seven yere I have ben his page
And kept his commaundėment....