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Table of Contents

(A Christmas Playlet for Little Girls and Boys)

By Jessie M. Baker


Table of Contents

Little Maiden’s Room on Christmas Eve

[In the bed at center the Maiden lies asleep in her little frilled night cap and gown. Her stocking is hung on the bedpost. At the left on a small table a tiny candle burns.

At the right is a large arm-chair with a picture-book and doll lying upon it.

Enter the Christmas Fairy at right. She wears a loose, white frock with crêpe paper wings and a wreath of holly, and carries a little silver, star-tipped wand.]


Oh, I am Santa Claus’ Fairy!

I’m the Dreams-of-Christmas Fairy!

Where a little child lies sleeping

[Tiptoes to bedside.]

I come softly, softly creeping

And I weave my magic, so!

[Waves wand gently above little Maiden.]

Dream-dust, dream-dust on her eyes

Make this maiden sweet to rise,—

Through the gates of Dreamland go!

With my fairy spell to wake you

[Maiden rises dreamily and is led slowly

toward the exit at left by the Fairy.]

To the Dream-toy Shop I’ll take you,

Where the Dream-toys dance and play

On the eve of Christmas day!



Table of Contents

The Dream-toy Shop

[On the counter at background are a number of large toys, among them two little girls—one fair-haired, one dark—dressed as Dolls.

At the left of the counter stand two Soldier-boys with drums, paper caps, and epaulets.

At the right is a large, square, red box.

On the floor in front of the counter sits the black Kitty. He wears black tights, a little black jacket from beneath which his long tail curls, and a little black cap with pointed ears.

At right foreground sits the Bunny. He is dressed in a white sleeping garment which covers hands and feet, and a little flannelette cap with long, upstanding ears which are wired and colored pink on the inside.

At left foreground on a little stool sits the Teddy-bear in furry coat and cap with little ears of cotton wool.

Fairy and Maiden pause at right entrance.]


Here within the Dreamland gate,

All the lovely Dream-toys wait.

Choose, and they shall come alive

Until the Dream-toy clock strikes five.

[Leads little Maiden into shop.]


Oh, what lovely, lovely toys!

I shall choose—the Soldier-boys!

Fairy. [Softly touching them with wand.]

Forward march, then, Soldier-boys,

But please don’t make too much noise.

[Soldiers begin to march and drum stiffly at first and softly, but soon faster and noisily.]

Maiden. [Putting fingers in ears.]

Soldiers do make lots of noise!

Girls are quieter than boys.

Let the Dollies come alive.

[Fairy touches them with wand. They get

stiffly off counter.]


Oh, I don’t know which to choose!

This one has such pretty shoes!

This one has such curly hair—

This one is so sweet and fair!

[The Dolls dance a minuet, the little Maiden clapping delightedly, the Soldiers applauding with drums. Little Maiden spies the Bunny, runs over to him, and pats him gently. The Fairy touches him with her wand and he hops back and forth—while Soldiers, Dolls and Maiden applaud.]


Oh, you darling, darling Bunny!

And aren’t your pinky, long ears funny?

But the Kitty, sleek and black,

Is even funnier than that!

[The Fairy touches him with her wand. He begins to turn about, displays his curly tail, and spits at the little Maiden when she slyly pulls it. Little Maiden strokes his back, and he sings a meow solo to the tune of “Auld Lang Syne.” All applaud.]

Maiden. [Turning to Teddy-bear.]

Why, here’s a little Teddy-bear!

I hardly saw you hiding there.

[Fairy touches him with wand. He stands up, stretches himself, then sits on his little stool and sings:]

Oh, I’m the Baby Teddy-bear,

Oh, I’m the Baby Teddy-bear,

Oh, I’m the Baby Teddy-bear,

The littlest Bear in the Family!

[All the Toys gather about as he sings. The little Maiden takes him on her lap and begins to croon in a motherly fashion. Suddenly a noise comes from the direction of the red box. Maiden, rising and taking Teddy-bear by the hand, begins to look excitedly about.]


But aren’t there any other toys?

I thought I heard a funny noise!

[Again the noise is heard. Maiden runs over and touches lid of box. It pops open, showing a funny Jack-in-the-box holding a bag of candy under his arm.]

[Jack-in-the-box sings.]

Oh, my name is Jack of the Candy-box.

In a Candy-box I live.

Just touch the cover and up it pops

And a kiss to you I’ll give!

To each little boy and each little girl,

Each child who passes by,

A candy kiss or a candy curl—

Candy-box Jack am I.

[As he sings, all the toys form in a line behind the little Maiden, and as they pass Candy-box Jack, he gives them each some candy from his bag. Toys return to places and little Maiden stands at center.]


[Stretching arms toward Candy-box Jack.]

All the Toys are as fine as can be,

But Jack-in-the-Candy-box for me!

[Jack jumps out of the Candy-box and places his hands on the shoulders of the little Maiden.]

[All dance the Norwegian Folkdance “Up to the Moon in a Rainbow,” using these words.]

[All sing.]

Guess, guess, where I would like to be,

Like to be, like to be.

Up on the top of the Christmas tree,

Up on the Christmas tree!

Yes, yes, that would be

Great, great fun for me.

Yes, that would be great fun for me,

To be up on the Christmas tree!

[As they finish there is the sound of a clock striking five. Candy-box Jack and all the Toys go back to their former places and remain motionless. Fairy softly leads Maiden out. Jack pops his head out and throws a candy kiss after her. She runs back to get it and waves good-by.]


St. Nicholas Book of Plays & Operettas

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