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Useful and Mighty Things 25
Liberty and Bad Books 83
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834).
Grace before Books 1
A Catholic Taste in Books 17
A Whimsical Surprise 84
Books with One Idea in Them 121
When and Where to Read 130
Proof of good Matter 170
Out-of-doors Reading 171
Discrimination in Bindings 244
The Treasure 254
The Readers at the Bookstall 255
To the Editor of The Everyday Book 269
The Poor Student 274
Borrowers of Books 276
The Bodleians of Oxford 364
Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864).
To Wordsworth 21
'Well I remember how you smiled' 57
The Dead alone Canonized 66
The Classics 67
To Leigh Hunt 95
Small Authors Dangerous 131
Old-Fashioned Verse 186
Sent with Poems 202
Safe and untouched 312
Law, William (1686-1761).
Classicus 66
Poetry and Piety 209
Leighton, Robert (1822-69).
The Libraries of Heaven 49
Lewis, Matthew Gregory (1775-1818).
In Paternoster Row 263
Locke, John (1632-1704).
Chewing the Cud 126
A new Method of a Commonplace Book 141
Lockhart, John Gibson (1794-1854).
The Bible and Burns 298
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-82).
My Books 10
'The sweet serenity' 20
Bayard Taylor 234
The Wind over the Chimney 286
Lowe, Robert, Lord Sherbrooke (1811-92).
Remunerative Reading 39
Lowell, James Russell (1819-91).
Security in Old Books 75
Literature for Desolate Islands 303
Lyly, John (1554 ?-1606).
Fashion in Books 43
'Far more seemly were it' 304
Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, Baron (1803-73).
The Souls of Books 22
The Classics always Modern 68
The Bee and the Butterfly 143
The Pharmacy of Books 165
The Library an Heraclea 329
M., J. (fl. 1627).
On the Library at Cambridge 368
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord (1800-59).
Action and Reaction 53
The Value of Modern Books 73
Original Editions 96
The Critics' Influence on the Public 117
Classical Education for Women 207
'I would rather be a poor man' 232
Maccreery, John (1768-1832).
Bookbindings 243
Maginn, William (1793-1842).
The Booksellers' Banquet 271
Mallet, David (1705 ?-65).
The Reading Coxcomb 152
Maurice, Frederick Denison (1805-72).
The Ultimate Test of Books 53
The Message of Books 161
Milton, John (1608-74).
Books are not dead things 47
'To the pure all things are pure' 83
Plagiarie 90
Shakespeare's livelong Monument 105
'Deep-versed in Books and shallow in himself' 157
Tetrachordon 256
An Ode to Mr. John Rouse (translated by Cowper) 357
Mitford, Mary Russell (1787-1855).
That invention of the enemy—an Abridgement 96
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762).
A cheap and lasting Pleasure 204
Montaigne, Michael Eyquem de (1533-92).
John Florio's Translation—
The Commodity Reaped of Books 32
Coats for Mackerel 44
Transplantation 90
Inductive Criticism 122
'There's more ado to interpret interpretation' 122
Bescribbling with Notes 139
Skipping Wit 144
Books an Enemy to Health 163
Early Reading 182
Letter-Ferrets 218
The Author's Library 319
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852).
'My only Books' 196
A Counter Attraction 199
More, Hannah (1745-1833).
A Daughter's Favourite Novels 86
Literary Cookery 92
More, Sir Thomas (1478-1535).
Of a New-married Student 198
Norris, John (1657-1711).
'Reading without thinking' 142
Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (Lady Stirling-Maxwell) (1808-77).
To my Books 8
Norton, John Bruce (1815-83).
Merton Library 365
Oldham, John (1653-83).
To Cosmelia 199
Orford, Earl of. See Walpole.
Overbury, Sir Thomas (1581-1613).
Man's Prerogative 13
Parnell, Thomas (1679-1718).
The Bookworm 250
Parrot, Henry (fl. 1600-26).
Ad Bibliopolam 262
Pattison, Mark (1813-84).
The Manufactory of Books 92
Payn, James (1830-98).
The Blessed Chloroform of the Mind 168
Peacham, Henry (1576 ?-1643 ?).
A Bookish Ambition 149
Care as to Bindings 241
Peacock, Thomas Love (1785-1866).
The Outside of a Book 247
Percy, Thomas, Bishop of Dromore (1729-1811).
Why Books were Invented 37
Petrarch (Petrarca) Francesco (1304-74).
The Delightful Society of Books 1
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744).
Style v. Sense 114
Where Fools Rush In 115
Homer and Virgil 127
Lintott's New Miscellany 267
Cibber's Library 313
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth (1802-39).
To Helen: written in Keble's Christian Year 201
Prideaux, Peter (1578-1650).
On the Death of Sir Thomas Bodley 356
Procter, Adelaide Anne (1825-64).
A Student 238
Procter, Bryan Waller (Barry Cornwall) (1787-1874).
My Books 8
Quarles, Francis (1572-1644).
On Buying the Bible 291
Rabelais, François (1483-1553).
By Divine Inspiration 41
Writing at Meal Times 171
Richardson, Samuel (1689-1761).
Advice to Mothers 181
Robertson, Frederick William (1816-53).
Books instead of Stimulants 165
Rochester, Earl of. See Wilmot.
Roscoe, William Caldwell (1823-59).
To my Books on Parting with Them 9
Roscommon, Earl of. See Dillon.
Ruskin, John (1819-1900).
Books of the Hour and of all Time 54
Taste in Literature and Art 117
Reading and Illiteracy 159
Girls' Reading 208
The Most Valuable Book 254
National Expenditure on Books 274
Libraries for Every City 326
St. Albans, Viscount. See Bacon.
Saxe, John Godfrey (1816-87).
The Library 354
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832).
Appetite and Satiety 147
The Ghost of Betty Barnes 203
The Antiquary's Treasures 231
The Bannatyne Club 270
Dominie Sampson in the Library 315
Selden, John (1584-1654).
'It is good to have translations' 100
Quotation 102
Censorship 119
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616).
'Who will believe my verse' 55
'Study is like the heaven's glorious sun' 159
'How well he's read' 162
Books and Eyesight 164
Reading for Love's Sake 189
The Book of the Brain 191
Books as Spokesmen 194
Women's eyes 196
'Marriage! my years are young' 198
'The state, whereon I studied' 215
Dainties that are Bred of a Book 219
'Is not the leaf turned down' 240
Gold Clasps and a Golden Story 242
Nobler than Contents 242
'Hark you, sir; I'll have them very fairly bound' 243
'In Nature's infinite Book' 283
The Secret of Strength 288
Red Letters and Conjuring 289
'Come, and take choice' 306
'Of his gentleness, Knowing I loved my Books' 310
'Me, poor man,—my library' 316
Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckingham (1648-1721).
The Sufficiency of Homer 127
Sherbrooke, Viscount. See Lowe.
Sheridan, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah. See Norton.
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816).
'Steal! to be sure they will' 91
Lydia Languish and the Circulating Library 213
A neat Rivulet of Text 249
Sheridan, Thomas (1687-1738).
Our Best Acquaintance 11
Shirley, James (1596-1666).
Sweet and Happy Hours 26
A Book of Flesh and Blood 196
Skelton, John (1460 ?-1529).
An Edition de luxe 241
Smith, Alexander (1830-67).
The True Elysian Fields 11
Power and Gladness 32
Smith, Sydney (1771-1845).
A Short Cut to Fame 154
'No furniture so charming as Books' 264
South, Robert (1634-1716).
'He who has published an injurious Book' 80
A little Book the most excellent 120
'Much reading is like much eating' 158
Southey, Robert (1774-1843).
My days among the Dead are passed 4
A Heavenly Delight 5
The Best of all Possible Company 5
More than Meat, Drink, and Clothing 28
A Library of Twelve 62
Reading several Books at a time 130
Homo Unius Libri 292
A Colloquy in a Library 320
Spenser, Edmund (1552 ?-99).
One day I wrote her name 56
To his Book: of his Lady 195
Stanhope, Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield (1694-1773).
A Consolation for the Deaf 4
Books and the World 180
The last Editions the best 235
'Tis folly to be wise 246
Genteel Ornaments 273
Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729).
Exercise for the Mind 37
Stephen, Sir James (1789-1859).
Poets as Commentators 136
Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768).
The Company of Mutes 3
Mr. Shandy's Library 314
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894).
Picture-Books in Winter 174
Stirling-Maxwell, Lady. See Norton.
Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745).
The Battle of the Books 63
Recipe for an Anthology 94
Cupid and the Book of Poems 194
A Standard for Language 296
'I have sometimes heard' 303
Sylvester, Josuah (1563-1618).
Surcloying the Stomach 156
Symonds, John Addington (1840-93).
[Greek: hupothêkê eis emauton]('Back to thy books!') 197
Taylor, John (1580-1653).
Books and Thieves 77
To the Good or Bad Reader 150
Fast and Loose 289
On Coryat's Crudities 302
Temple, Sir William (1628-99).
The Multiplication of Originals 59
Ancient and Modern Books 63
Books as Signposts 110
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809-92).
Poets and their Bibliographies 98
Merlin's Book 289
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-63).
Novels are Sweets 89
'There are no race of people who talk about Books' 153
A Kindly Tie 187
Thomson, James (1700-48).
The Mighty Dead 161
Thomson, Richard (1794-1865).
The Book of Life 284
Tickle, Thomas (1686-1740).
The Hornbook 175
Tooke, John Horne (1736-1812).
Read Few Books well 129
Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747).
Oxford and Cambridge: an Epigram 113
Trench, Richard Chevenix, Archbishop of Dublin (1807-86).
Books and Life 160
Tupper, Martin Farquhar (1810-89).
Books and Friends 12
Turner, Charles Tennyson (1808-79).
On Certain Books 82
Vaughan, Henry (1622-95).
To his Books 13
The Book 284
To the Holy Bible 290
On Sir Thomas Bodley's Library 362
Vere, Sir Aubrey de (1788-1846).
Sacred and Profane Writers 296
Verulam, Lord. See Bacon.
Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de (1694-1778).
Multiplication is Vexation 59
The Seat of Authority 107
Waller, Sir William (1597 ?-1668).
The Contentment I have in my Books 2
Riding Post 146
Full Libraries and Empty Heads 149
Walpole, Horatio, Earl of Orford (1717-97).
Lounging Books 169
Literary Upholsterers 264
Ward, John William, Earl of Dudley (1781-1833).
A Preference for Great Models 72
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748).
Books to be Marked 139
Wesley, John (1703-91).
'I read only the Bible' 291
A Man of one Book 292
Whitelocke, Bulstrode (1605-75).
The Soul's Viaticum 368
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-92).
A Magnate in the Realm of Books 7
The Library 326
Wilmot, John, Earl of Rochester (1647-80).
'Books bear him up awhile' 39
Wilson, John (d. 1889).
O for a Booke 171
Wither, George (1588-1667).
Mountebank Authors 78
'Good God! how many dungboats' 94
In bondage to the Bookseller 262
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850).
Books a substantial World 21
The Tables Turned 172
Early Reading 184
Young, Edward (1683-1765).
How Volumes Swell 93
An ignorant Book-collector 219
Notes 369
Index of Authors mentioned in the Text and in the Notes 400
The Book-Lovers' Anthology

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