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In the American rattlesnakes, at each periodical casting of the skin or slough, a little knob remains at the end of the tail. A series of these loosely united together make up the “rattle,” used for the production of warning sounds. The “hissing” of a snake has the same purpose. Venomous snakes also commonly assume a warning attitude, raising the front part of the body from the ground and, in some cases, as illustrated by the cobra, inflating a kind of hood—in this particular instance bringing a black, spectacle-shaped mark into prominence.

But in these and other animals it must not be supposed that the “warning” is for the benefit of the prey, but may be taken as a hint to aggressive birds and mammals that discretion is the better part of valor. The success of this device is shown by the terror with which all monkeys regard serpents.

The Circle of Knowledge: A Classified, Simplified, Visualized Book of Answers

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