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Many of the stars shine with colored light, as red, blue, green, or yellow.

These colors are exhibited in striking contrast in many of the double stars. Combinations of blue and yellow, or green and yellow, are not uncommon; while in fewer cases we find one star white and the other purple, or one white and the other red. In several instances each star has a rosy light.

The following are a few of the most interesting colored double stars:

Name of Star Color of Larger One Color of Smaller One
γ Andromedæ Orange Sea-Green.
α Piscium Pale Green Blue.
β Cygni Yellow Sapphire Blue.
η Cassiopeiæ Yellow Purple.
σ Cassiopeiæ Greenish Bright Blue.
ζ Coronæ White Light Purple.
ι Cancri Orange Blue.
α Herculis Orange Emerald Green.

Single stars of a fiery red or deep orange color are common enough. Of the first color may be mentioned Aldebaran, Antares and Betelgeuse. Arcturus is a good example of an orange star. Isolated stars of a deep blue or green color are very rarely found; among the conspicuous stars, β Libræ appears to be the only instance.

It is now a well-established fact that the stars change their color. Sirius was described as a fiery red star by the ancients, is now decided green color.


Individual Name Meaning Constellation in Which Found
Achernar The End of The River α Eridani.
Alcor The Near One 80 Ursæ Majoris.
Alcyone Daughter of Atlas and Pleione η Tauri.
Aldebaran The Follower α Tauri.
Algenib The Side γ Pegasi.
Algol The Demon Star β Persei.
Alioth The Tail (of the Sheep) ε Ursæ Majoris.
Altair The Soaring Eagle α Aquilæ.
Antares The Rival of Mars α Scorpii.
Arcturus The Watcher of the Bear α Boötis.
Bellatrix The Woman Warrior γ Orionis.
Betelgeux The Shoulder of the Giant α Orionis.
Canopus The Pilot of Menelaus α Argûs.
Capella The Goat α Aurigæ.
Caph The Hand β Cassiopeiæ.
Castor Son of Zeus and Leda α Geminorum.
Cor Caroli Charles’ Heart α Canum Ven.
Deneb The Tail α Cygni.
Denebola The Lion’s Tail β Leonis.
Dubhe The Bear α Ursæ Majoris.
Fomalhaut The Fish’s Mouth α Piscis Australis.
Markab The Saddle α Pegasi.
Mira Ceti The Wonderful Star of Cetus ο Ceti.
Mizar The Girdle ζ Ursæ Majoris.
Polaris The Pole Star α Ursæ Minoris.
Pollux Son of Zeus and Leda β Geminorum.
Procyon Before the Dog α Canis Minoris.
Regulus The Little King α Leonis.
Rigel The Foot β Orionis.
Sirius Chief α Canis Majoris.
Spica The Ear of Corn α Virginis.
Vega The Swooping Eagle α Lyræ.
The Circle of Knowledge: A Classified, Simplified, Visualized Book of Answers

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