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III. Combinations of Two Vowels before the Accent
Оглавление(1) Two contiguous strong vowels before the accent naturally form two syllables; e.g., lealtad, roedor are properly trisyllabic. But synæresis is possible, especially where e is one of the vowels.
(2) If the first of two contiguous vowels before the accent is strong and the second is weak, they naturally form a diphthong; vaivén, peinado. They are regularly in distinct syllables, however, when the first vowel (except a) is part of a prefix, as in preinserto, prohijar, rehusado (prefixes pre-, pro-, re-). Nevertheless, synæresis is here permitted, and the diphthong is normal where a is the vowel of the prefix, as in airado, ahumado.
(3) Usage varies when of two contiguous vowels before the accent the first is weak and the second strong. The derivative follows the simplex; thus the i and the a are in separate syllables in criador and criatura because they so stand in criar, they form one syllable in cambiamiento because they do so in cambiar. But synæresis is always possible where the diphthong does not already exist.
(4) If both the contiguous vowels before the accent are weak, they naturally form a diphthong, as in ciudad, cuidado. Derivatives of words of variable syllabification may imitate their simplex: thus viudo may be either dissyllabic or trisyllabic (cf. I, rule 7) and viudez has the same liberty.