Читать книгу In the Saddle: A Collection of Poems on Horseback-Riding - Various - Страница 6




'Tis that fair time of year,

Lady mine,

When stately Guinevere,

In her sea-green robe and hood,

Went a-riding through the wood,

Lady mine.

And as the Queen did ride,

Lady mine,

Sir Launcelot at her side

Laughed and chatted, bending over,

Half her friend and all her lover,

Lady mine.

And as they rode along,

Lady mine,

The throstle gave them song,

And the buds peeped through the grass

To see youth and beauty pass,

Lady mine.

And on, through deathless time,

Lady mine,

These lovers in their prime,

(Two fairy ghosts together!)

Ride, with sea-green robe, and feather!

Lady mine.

And so we two will ride,

Lady mine,

At your pleasure, side by side,

Laugh and chat; I bending over,

Half your friend and all your lover!

Lady mine.

But if you like not this,

Lady mine,

And take my love amiss,

Then I'll ride unto the end,

Half your lover, all your friend!

Lady mine.

So, come which way you will,

Lady mine,

Vale, upland, plain, and hill

Wait your coming. For one day

Loose the bridle, and away!

Lady mine.

T. B. Aldrich.

In the Saddle: A Collection of Poems on Horseback-Riding

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