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Waiting in the Twilight


Slowly from the western hill-sides

Fades the sunset's ruddy light,

While the birds amid the tree-tops

Softly chirp their sweet "Good-night."

Where the elm trees' spreading branches

Hide the streamlets with their shades,

Stands the fair-faced, blue-eyed Dolly,

Flower of all the village maids, —

Looking, in the growing twilight,

Towards the grassy fields ahead,

Listening still, with eye expectant,

For the ever-welcome tread.

From across the verdant meadow

Comes a whistle, loud and shrill,

Sounding through the evening stillness,

Seemeth but the whip-poor-will.

But the fair face glows still brighter,

And the eyes more eager grow,

As the notes come near and nearer,

Louder than the streamlet's flow.

Soon she hears the well-known music

Of his voice, borne on the air:

"Don't you hear me coming, Dolly?

Dolly, dear, I'll soon be there."

And the one she's long been waiting,

Hat upraised, now comes in sight,

Hastening towards the blue-eyed maiden,

Waiting in the soft twilight.

Happy hearts, so young and trusting,

May no frost e'er blight your love,

But may blessings all unnumbered

Fall upon you from above!

Ballads of Beauty

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