Читать книгу Notes and Queries, Number 14, February 2, 1850 - Various - Страница 4
ОглавлениеIn the library of St. John's College are some hundreds of volumes bequeathed to it by Thomas Baker; most of these have little notices on the fly-leaves, some thirty or forty of which seem worth printing. One (Strype's Life of Parker) has marginal notes throughout the book, the value of which will be duly appreciated by those who have read Baker's notes on Burnet's Reformation. (See the British Magazine for the last year.)
Hereafter, if you do not object, I hope to send larger extracts from Baker's MSS.; at present I confine myself to a single specimen, taken from the fly-leaf of a copy of Noy's Compleat Lawyer, London, 1665. (St. John's Library, Class mark, I. 10. 49)
"Gul. Noye de S. Buriens. Com. Cornub. Armig. unus Magistrorum de Banco fieri fecit, 1626. On a window in Lincoln Inn's Chapell. See Stow's Survey, &c. vol. ii. lib. ii. p. 73.
"This book has a former edition, London, 1661; but not so fair a print, and without the Author's Life.
"See Fuller's Worthies in Cornwall, p. 200.
"See Mr. Gerard's Letter to Lord Strafford, dated Jan 3. 1634. Mr. Noy continues ill, & is retired to his house at Brentford: I saw him much fallen away in his Face & Body, but as yellow as Gold—with the Jaundice—his bloody waters continue with drain his Body.
"See Lloyd's State Worthies, p. 892, 893. &c.
"Aug. 9. [1634] Wm Noy Esquire the King's Attorney died at Brainford.—Mr. Ric. Smith's Obituary.
"See Wm Noy's Will (very remarkable) MS. vol. xxx. p. 309.
"16th Dec. 1631. Conc. Ornatissimo viro Gulielmo Noye, ut sit de Consilio Universitatis—et annuatim 40th recipiat, &c.—Regr. Acad Cant.
"See Howell's Letters, sect 6. pp. 30, 31.
"Rex 27. October. 1632 constituit Willielmum Noye Arm. Attornatum suum Generalem, durante beneplacito.—Rymer, tom. 19. p. 347.
"See his (W.N.) will, very pious except the last clause, which is next to impious. vol. xxxvi. MS. p. 379.
"Young Noy, the dissipanding Noy, is kill'd in France in a Duell, by a Brother of St. John Biron; so now the younger Brother is Heir and Ward to the King.—A Letter to Lord Deputy Wentworth, vol. ii. p. 2 dat. Apr. 5. 1636."
It may be as well to add, that the references to vols. xxx. and xxxvi. of MS. are to two different copies of the will in two volumes of Baker's MSS., in the University library. The word "dissipanding," in the last quotation, doubtless is an allusion to "dissipanda" in the will itself. I once had occasion to take a copy of this will, and found the variations between the two copies trifling.
[We shall be obliged by our correspondent forwarding, at his convenience, the proposed copies of Baker's MS. notes.]