Читать книгу The American Missionary. Volume 43, No. 09, September, 1889 - Various - Страница 3



It will encourage the contributors to the great work entrusted to us, to know that the friends of the A.M.A. are enabling us to make a very hopeful report up to this date.

If those who have not shared in the work of the Association as yet, this year, will make a corresponding effort with those who have done so, we shall have reason to hope that we can go to our Annual Meeting in Chicago, owing no man anything but love and good will.

But those who have waited are many, and we are waiting and depending on these. Those who have not taken their contributions have the power to convert our hopes into realities.

We appeal, therefore, to the pastors whose collections for this fiscal year have not been taken to take their collections and forward them to our treasury before the close of September.

The American Missionary. Volume 43, No. 09, September, 1889

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