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While reviewing this edition of Bookkeeping Essentials For Dummies, I have once again been impressed with how well Veechi has captured today’s bookkeeping. While some say bookkeeping doesn’t change, what is very obvious (and what Veechi takes care to explain within these pages) is that the next generation of software development, led by cloud technology, is bringing significant change to a bookkeeper’s approach and techniques.

Bookkeeping Essentials For Dummies is a must-read, whether you’re considering doing the books for your own business or whether you’re considering bookkeeping as a career. The combination of step-by-step explanations, background information, tips and warnings will help you gain a rapid and accurate understanding of all requirements. Veechi not only explains the basics of bookkeeping, introducing essential bookkeeping concepts in an accessible and logical way, but she also offers an introduction to more advanced bookkeeping topics, including financial reporting, in case you’re interested in further developing your bookkeeping skills.

I first met Veechi Curtis more than ten years ago at an MYOB accounting software conference. I was the technical presenter and Veechi was there in her capacity as a bestselling author of numerous accounting software and small business titles. Since then — many years, many conferences and many chats later — it has become obvious to me that Veechi has a passion for sharing her knowledge about bookkeeping and small business in a creative and committed way that always sheds new light on the topics.

I helped found the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) in Australia in 2006. ICB is the largest bookkeeping institute in the world and aims to promote and maintain the standards of bookkeeping as a profession. All kinds of people, with different backgrounds, experiences and qualifications, are involved in ‘keeping the books’. Although some people seek out bookkeeping as a profession, others end up working as bookkeepers almost by accident — which is fine, but without training, they often lack the skills to do the best job possible.

My vision for ICB is to help bookkeepers find information and resources, and access insurance and quality support. Given ICB’s aim to provide bookkeepers with information of the highest quality, I’m very proud to write this foreword for Veechi’s book.

Good luck — and happy bookkeeping!

Matthew Addison

Executive Director, Institute of Certified Bookkeepers

September 2014

Bookkeeping Essentials For Dummies – Australia

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