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How to Use This Book
ОглавлениеAchieving this kind of total clarity takes time, of course; however, it's a practice you can begin, and start reaping the benefits of, today – right now. This book will show you how. I'll be using personal stories to help you understand these concepts by showing you the journey I've taken to come to understand them. My goal is to help you see the world the way I see it and understand what I've gone through and how I approach problems so that you can gain the benefits of these wonderful principles. I urge you to read these stories and reflect on how you might apply the lessons in your own life. I'll also be asking you questions and sharing proven tools and techniques to help jump-start your thinking, progress, and success.
This book is organized so that the principles you'll learn about will build upon each other. We'll start with some of the simplest concepts – equanimity, energy, and balance – just as an aikido class would start with a simple meditation exercise to quiet the mind, and then focus on the core physical disciplines of directing your energy and holding to your center of balance. With that foundation established, we'll move on to some of the more advanced concepts. These principles will build upon one another. You can't achieve mushin without first understanding heiki, and you can't find zanshin without first finding mushin. Ultimately, we'll be working our way toward sumi-kiri: the total clarity of mind and body.
In each chapter, I'll give you practical exercises, tips, and techniques for you to implement. These are not “life-hacks.” There is no shortcut to clarity, making better decisions, and peak performance. However, the tips and techniques are designed for you to use immediately and gain many benefits that will help you on your path to productivity, balance, and success. Give them a try. I hope you'll find that each tip or exercise helps push your thinking further and improves your day-to-day life. To dig deeper into these principles and extend your practice beyond the pages of this book, you can always go to my website, michaelveltri.com/book, to find the latest tips, techniques, videos, and updates.
You must combine the right spirit with the right behavior to truly transform your life. If you don't truly love what you do in all aspects of your life, no tips, techniques, or advice can help you succeed. This book may push you to think about whether or not you are truly in the right place in your life – whether you are doing what you are meant to do in your work and whether you are spending your time with the right people in order to truly be your best. If thinking this way makes you uncomfortable – good! I urge you to push through that discomfort and find your true path. Only then can you achieve peak performance in all areas of your life.
Peak performance and total clarity is a noble and challenging goal. You'll approach it again and again, only to see it slip through your fingers, grab it again, then drop it once more. My hope is that, by the end of this book, you will have obtained a clearer vision of yourself, what “success” means to you, and be well on your way to achieving more abundance, balance, and joy. You may not be able to dodge bullets like Master Ueshiba did, but you will be able to make better decisions, focus on what truly matters, and stay true to yourself.
Let's get started.