Читать книгу 30 best sex poses for both. Description, advice, recommendations - Вероника Ларссон, Veronica Larsson - Страница 5

Posture 3. Pestle and mortar


Pose “pestle and mortar” is also very common. It is effective when the thickness of the penis is small, and also when the phallus is slightly shorter than the vagina. In addition, you can make love in this position even when the woman has not fully recovered after the birth.

In this position the woman lies on the bed, her legs wide apart and bent at the knees, the man enters into it. After the introduction of the phallus, the woman straightens one leg, which is between the legs of the man. The same, in turn, tightly clasps the leg of the partner with their feet.

Hands a man can caress his beloved, the faces of the partners almost touch, they can exchange kisses and whisper each other affectionate words.

During copulation, often the pose 1 smoothly flows into the pose 2 and vice versa. Both of these poses are good because the phallus exerts a sufficiently strong pressure on the woman’s clitoris, which helps her to reach orgasm faster. But in such poses, it is difficult for an inexperienced man to resist premature ejaculation, because his penis enters the vagina slightly at an angle, ensuring tight contact between the phallus and the vagina, while the penis receives additional stimulation. We can say that sex in these positions delivers a little more pleasure for a man than for a woman.

Feeling the approach of orgasm, a woman can denser approach her partner, providing the most complete introduction of the penis.

30 best sex poses for both. Description, advice, recommendations

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