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Seduction of beauty


At once we pass to the main thing: the more beautiful you are, the higher the level of a man you can get. Guys are very dependent on sex and always rely on it. «Men love eyes» – a more accurate quote for describing their behavior and can not imagine. Seduction of beauty is the main and practically the only effective method in hunting for men.

What if you do not have a model appearance and age is not 18 years old?

a) Lose weight. FIRST on what all men pay attention without exception – this is a good, slender and beautiful figure. Growth is not so important.

b) Grow long hair. Whatever fashionable stylists and celebrities say – almost all guys / men, without exception, like thick silky and long hair for girls / women.

The main arguments: «the more a girl is different from a guy, the better», «long hair for a girl’s honor, and short and the guy has.» How long should the hair be? It is desirable below the shoulders, but ideally to the waist.

c) Dye your hair. Despite the popular opinion about the stupidity of girls with blond hair and fashion for brunettes – men preferred by centuries and prefer blondes today.

Let it be not a platinum tone, but wheat or light blond. In men, unconsciously, blondes are associated with something very rare and valuable, kindness and well-groomed, prestigious and expensive.

Not simply there is a common stereotype – a man / boy / boy should be a brunette, and a woman / girl / girl with blond hair.

How to get any man. A female pick up truck. Seduction and seduction of men: secret techniques

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