Читать книгу Rolling Like Thunder - Vicki Thompson Lewis - Страница 12



CHELSEA HAD TRIED to be good. She really had tried, except for her earlier remark about the foot rub. When they’d had their hot moment on the dance floor, she hadn’t teased him about the hard ridge she’d felt pressed against her belly before he’d backed away.

He wanted to keep his distance, and she had vowed to honor that. She would have suffered the cold air on the walk home in silence because it was her own fault for not bringing a jacket. But then he’d wrapped his arm around her. The moment she’d felt his touch and the delicious heat of his body, a fantasy movie had started rolling in her head.

And now—against all odds—fantasy had become reality. Flattening her palms against his chest, she absorbed the wild beating of his heart as he combed his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back. His gaze moved hungrily over her face and settled on her mouth. He groaned. “Chelsea...” And then he was there, his velvet lips covering hers.

At last. Joy surged through her at the urgent pressure of his mouth and the deliberate thrust of his tongue. Oh, yes, this was good, and right, and ahhh...he could kiss better than any man she’d ever known.

He angled his head and went deeper, inspiring shocking thoughts about where else she wanted that talented mouth. He obviously knew what she’d meant when she’d suggested alternatives. They had all night, but that didn’t mean they shouldn’t get started on that program ASAP.

She wrenched apart the snaps of his shirt, desperate to touch him. When she laid both hands against his muscled chest and stroked him there, he shuddered and lifted his mouth from hers. “I’m going crazy.” He gulped for air. “I have zero control.”

“That’s okay.” Pulse hammering, she slid her hand down to his zipper. Oh, my. What she’d felt on the dance floor had been a mere prelude. “I’ll just—”

“No, it’s not okay.” He caught her hand and brought it up to his mouth. His breathing ragged, he kissed her fingertips one by one. “We’re changing focus.”

“To what?”

His blue eyes glowed with intensity. “You.”

She gasped as a fresh wave of lust crashed over her. Her attention shifted to his mouth and her imagination kicked into high gear. She began to tremble. “I could live with that.”

His soft laughter gave her goose bumps. “Ah, Chels. You’re one of a kind.”

“And don’t you forget it.”

He held her gaze. “I never have.” Then he stepped back and looked her up and down, as if evaluating his next move. His attention settled on the belt circling her hips. “How does that come off?”

“Easy.” But eagerness made her clumsy and she messed it up somehow. She swore softly and kept working at the clasp.

“Let me see.” He knelt in front of her, moved her hands aside and had the belt undone in two seconds. As it slithered to the floor he slipped both hands under the hem of her tunic and before she could take a breath he’d unbuttoned her jeans.

As he started pulling them down, panties and all, her heart beat so fast she grew dizzy. “My...my shoes.”

“You get the blouse.” His voice rasped in the stillness. “I’ll get the shoes.” He unbuckled the straps and slipped off one shoe at a time, taking care that she didn’t lose her balance. His touch was nimble, practiced and incredibly erotic.

“You’re...” She paused to gulp in air. “You’re good at that.”

“Cowboy stuff.”

At first she didn’t get it and then she understood. Bridles, halters, harnesses—leather and buckles were no challenge to a man with cowboy skills.

He tenderly divested her of her jeans and panties, too. Still on his knees, he caressed her calves and gradually made his way up her quaking thighs. His questing fingers drew closer to the spot where she ached so fiercely that she barely contained a whimper of longing. She closed her eyes to savor his touch.

Then he paused.

She moaned softly. “Don’t stop.”

“Your blouse.”

“Oh.” He’d mesmerized her so completely that she’d forgotten her assignment. Grabbing the hem, she whipped the shirt over her head, then took off her bra and flung it after the blouse. Her breasts ached for his touch, too.

With a sharp intake of breath, he rose and stepped back.

She watched him and was thrilled by his awestruck reaction. Lifting her chin, she looked him in the eye. “See what you’ve been missing?”

His gaze roved over her. “Yes.” His chest heaved. “And I’m a damned fool.”

“Not tonight.”

“No, not tonight. Thank God for alternatives.” And with a swiftness that made her squeal, he swept her up in his arms and laid her on the bed. Then he pulled off his clothes with utter disregard for where they landed. That was so unlike Finn.

Her tidy little Victorian room took on the appearance of a ravishing. She was more than ready to be ravished, even if his options for accomplishing that were limited. But when she had her first unobstructed view of his package, she cursed the lack of condoms.

She’d thought fleetingly about bringing them, but that had seemed like tempting fate. If she’d brought them and then had taken the box home unopened, she would have needed more than a few bottles of O’Roarke’s Pale Ale to get over her disappointment.

But, oh, how she yearned for what he had to offer. “O’Roarke, I have one thing to say.”

“Only one?”

“Yes.” Viewing that kind of male beauty and knowing there were restrictions on enjoying it made her impatient. “Before tomorrow night, we’ll obtain a box of condoms.”

“It’s a small town, don’t forget. Word spreads.”

“I don’t care.”

He grinned. “You know what? Neither do I.”

If there was ever a more stirring sight than Finn naked and smiling, she’d never seen it. Her fantasies of him paled in comparison to the real man, his erect cock seated in a cloud of dark hair and his impressive balls tight with desire. Better yet, she’d inspired this aroused condition. No matter what happened after tonight, she’d carry that potent image with her.

He walked over to the bed. “Make room. I’m coming in.”

“I sort of expected that.” She scooted over and patted the spot next to her. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” He climbed onto the bed and immediately moved over her, rolling her to her back in the process. “For the next little while, we’ll be pretty much occupying the same area.”

Somewhere along the way he’d changed his attitude. Outside her door he’d been desperate yet hesitant to fully commit. Now he was all in. This new, more masterful Finn thrilled her to her toes. “You say that as if you’re in charge.”

“Not necessarily.” He leaned down and nibbled at her mouth. “But I think you’d like it if I took over.”

Oh, yes, she certainly would. “How did you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

And as he captured her mouth and cupped her breast in a slow, sensuous massage, she abandoned herself to the sensation of letting Finn be in charge. What a heady feeling, turning her body over to a man. She couldn’t recall ever doing that. In vulnerable situations, she preferred to be in control.

But it was no mystery why she could surrender so completely to him. His sense of honesty and fair play was bone deep. She’d known that from the moment they’d met. She trusted him more than any man she’d ever been naked with.

And because of that trust, she allowed herself to let go in a way that she never would have with someone else. As he ran his hands over her curves, she arched into his caress with a moan of delight. When he cradled her breasts so that he could use his mouth to drive her crazy, she let herself make all the noise she wanted to.

The pleasure he gave her was more intense because it was Finn. Finn was the man kissing his way down the valley between her breasts and over her quivering stomach. Finn was the man parting her thighs, the man who was about to bestow the most intimate of kisses.

His knowing touch made her gasp as he explored and stroked with clever fingers. His breath was warm against her damp skin and she trembled in silent anticipation. With the first swipe of his tongue, she cried out, electrified by the moist pressure on the most sensitive spot of all.

He did it again, drawing out the motion, and she sucked in a breath. “More.”

He obviously knew the meaning of more. In seconds she was writhing on the bed thanks to the wonder of Finn’s mouth. His hands bracketing her hips, he lifted her up so he could sink deeper, take more. He was definitely ravishing her. And she loved it.

She came in a rush, her breathless cries filling the small room. If she’d expected him to stop there, she’d underestimated him. He teased and taunted her until she spiraled out of control a second time. She forgot where she was as she spun in a whirlpool of sensation.

But she never forgot who was loving her. Finn O’Roarke was in bed with her at last, and the results were more spectacular than she could have imagined. But as he left her quaking center and returned to place a lingering kiss on her mouth, she reminded herself that alternatives included fun for both parties.

Disengaging was no easy task because he seemed to really like kissing her and she really liked him kissing her. But she had other plans for her mouth. Cupping his face in both hands, she pushed upward until he lifted his head. “My turn,” she murmured, looking into his passion-glazed eyes. They’d never seemed quite so blue.

“But I love making you come. I’m just taking a short break. You taste so good. I want to—”

“No. My turn. I mean it.”

He smiled. “I can tell. Your eyes are shooting sparks.”

“Fair is fair.” She ran her tongue slowly over her lips. “And I think you’ll have fun.”

As he stared at her mouth, his breathing changed.

“Think about how nice it will feel when I use my tongue on your—”

He groaned. “Lord help me, I want that.”

“Of course you do. We’re shifting the focus to you, O’Roarke.”

Dragging in a breath, he stretched out beside her. “This won’t take long.”

“Are you sure?” She straddled his thighs, feeling more uninhibited than ever in her life. She embraced showmanship in her job, but she’d never felt motivated to practice it in the bedroom. Two orgasms and a naked Finn stretched beneath her had turned her into a seductress.

“Absolutely sure.” His chest rose and fell rapidly and he clenched his jaw. “I’ve wanted you for five years.”

“Ditto.” His rigid cock was directly in front of her, magnificently erect with a drop of moisture gathered at the tip. She grasped the base of his penis and squeezed gently. “And now I have you, at least for tonight. If you prop some pillows behind your head you can watch me making you happy.”

He gasped. “Dangerous. I already feel as if I could come any second.”

“You won’t if I keep pressure here.” She tightened the circle created by her fingers and the muscles in his jaw gradually relaxed.


“Good. I want you to be able to savor this. Grab those pillows, Finn.”

Rolling Like Thunder

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