Читать книгу Innovation Trends in the Space Industry - Victor Dos Santos Paulino - Страница 2


Table of Contents




1 Theoretical and Empirical Framework 1.1. Innovation management: introductory elements 1.2. The space industry

2 The Emergence of Industry: The Influence of Demand 2.1. The space industry is in the emerging phase 2.2. Customers shape the industry dynamics in the emergence phase 2.3. Demand influences technological change

3 Slow Adoption of Innovations: A Key Success Factor 3.1. Slow adoption of technological innovations: a key success factor 3.2. Slow adoption of organizational innovations: a key success factor

4 Technological Discontinuities and Strategic Diagnosis 4.1. Disruptive innovations and threat analysis



10  Index

11  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Customers and adopters

2 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Cost of the failureTable 3.2. Extrinsic uncertainty values and technology distributionTable 3.3. Distribution of technologies according to the intensity of the inerti...Table 3.4. Regression results

3 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Characteristics of potential disruptive innovationsTable 4.2. New entrantsTable 4.3. Main satellite performance criteria [Source: adapted from Dos Santos ...Table 4.4. Small satellites are potential disruptive innovations [Source: adapte...

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. The industry cycle: three dimensions (a, b, and c). For a color vers...Figure 1.2. Space economy: two value chains. For a color version of the figures ...Figure 1.3. Soyuz rocket at takeoff (Source: Pixabay). For a color version of th...Figure 1.4. Satellite (Source: Pixabay). For a color version of the figures in t...Figure 1.5. Spacecraft launched by application between 1957 and 2011Figure 1.6. Antennas in a ground station (Source: Pixabay). For a color version ...Figure 1.7. Space probe (Source: Pixabay). For a color version of the figures in...Figure 1.8. Purchases by customer type between 1957 and 2011Figure 1.9. Main institutional markets [Source: adapted from Révillon (2019)]

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Adoption of product innovations (Source: Unknown, Forbes Magazine, J...Figure 2.2. Product lifecycle. For a color version of the figures in this chapte...Figure 2.3. Innovation adoption cycle. For a color version of the figures in thi...Figure 2.4. Innovation lifecycle. For a color version of the figures in this cha...Figure 2.5. Evolution of spacecraft launches. For a color version of the figures...Figure 2.6. Rate of product innovation in the space industry. For a color versio...Figure 2.7. Entry dynamics of adopters into the space industry. For a color vers...Figure 2.8. Evolution of the number of spacecraft launches according to their us...Figure 2.9. Patents filed in space technologies [Source: Dos Santos Paulino (201...Figure 2.10. Rate of innovation in launched spacecraft [Source: Dos Santos Pauli...

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Organizational change and evolutionary perspectives [Source: adapted...Figure 3.2. Organizational inertia and survival in a risky environment

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Disruptive and continuous technology [Source: adapted from Christens...Figure 4.2. Types of potential disruptive innovations. For a color version of th...Figure 4.3. Satellites launched by weight [Source: adapted from Dos Santos Pauli...Figure 4.4. Purchases made by customers who entered after 1990 and purchases mad...Figure 4.5. Purchases of small satellites by new customers [Source: adapted from...



Table of Contents

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Innovation Trends in the Space Industry

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