Читать книгу The Soul Looks with Squinty Eyes - Victor Sanzh - Страница 17

The Sail


The mist in the storm…

Or the storm in the mist…

The gale has arisen,

And tore up the cloth.

Watch crew dashed into battle,

Upon shrouds and sailyards,

To safe themselves

From devil’s claws.

Sails and sails

They are waving on yardarm,

As though they struggle

To throw their cadets,

The future steersmen,

Who are pulling the gantline,

And harden their temper

In the hurricanes.

Sails and sails

The watch crew is able

To safe their ship

From devil’s claws.

And the silence again,

Calm sea and sun makes warm

The cadets, fellows,

Who battled on the rail

For the life of their ship,

The ship on sails!

The Soul Looks with Squinty Eyes

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