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Chapter 3


Pick up, pick up, pick up. I can’t contain my excitement and Bridget, who always answers her phone on the first ring, is taking an age to answer today.

‘Sam, hi.’ She sounds breathless when she does pick up.

‘Sorry, I haven’t interrupted anything, have I?’ It’s early evening and her honeymoon was weeks ago so I hope not, but they are still technically newlyweds (eurgh).

‘No, not at all. Just had to run downstairs to get my phone. What’s up?’

‘I did it! I’ve finally been selected to go to Boston.’ I actually dance a little as I say the words.

‘Oh my god, Sam, that’s great. You’ve wanted this for so long!’ She squeals so loudly I have to hold the phone away from my ear.

‘I know! Finally, my boss has seen that I’m capable of bigger things.’ God, for the first few years I didn’t think I’d get any further than just making coffee and shredding crappy marketing campaigns. But then I got more responsibility, working on my own campaigns for local businesses which went down really well and that led to being part of a team, working on some national campaigns but after that, I got wedged in a giant rut, which I’ve been trying to claw my way out of for the past two years.

‘Oh, Sam, congratulations. I’m so happy for you. When do you go?’

‘A week on Sunday.’ My insides squeeze with excitement.

‘That’s too soon! We need to throw you a going away party.’

‘It’s only three months. It doesn’t warrant a leaving party.’

‘Drinks then?’

If I’m honest, drinks in my honour does sound good. Aside from my wedding, I’m not sure it’s ever happened before. ‘Okay, drinks. Does Saturday night work?’


On my way into the bar, my phone begins to vibrate in my bag. Thinking it’s one of the girls ringing to say they’re running late, I stand to the side of the door and take it out. The name on the screen knocks the wind out of my sails.

Mum mobile

I watch the screen, willing it to stop. The red and green circles seem to brighten; accept or reject? The name grows bigger on the screen and the vibration becomes more intense.

Then it stops. I exhale and slump against the wall. Why would she ring? I’d sent my dad a birthday card about a week ago and I mentioned the job in Boston. It could be about that. But why would she ring? I stuff my phone back in my bag and head inside.

‘Congratulations,’ Viv says as the waitress places four mojitos on the table of our booth. ‘You finally made the US team!’

Excited butterflies flutter in my stomach. ‘I know, I’m hoping to make a good impression so I’ll be on future projects. Three months in Boston each summer – yes please!’

After my third cocktail, I turn to my friends. ‘So, which one of you is going to look after Coco while I’m away?’ I say, feeling a little tipsy.

There are some animated glances around the room, and I swear I see tumbleweed roll past.

‘Oh, come on. She’s adorable.’

‘It’s not that, it’s the fact you’re leaving tomorrow and haven’t found somewhere for her yet,’ Viv says.

‘Oh, come on. You lot convinced me to get a cat, I knew one of you would mind her.’

‘She’s the Devil incarnate,’ Sarah says, to murmurs of agreement.

‘You guys told me to get a pet, so she’s partly your responsibility.’ I put on a mocking voice. ‘Get a pet, Sam, so you never have to go home to an empty flat, Sam.’

Bridget rolls her eyes. ‘Okay, I’ll do it. But if she so much as unsheathes a claw in my general direction, she’s going straight to the cattery.’

‘Deal.’ I raise my glass. Coco will scratch the hell out of her furniture, but Bridget is far too soft to send her away.

‘Okay, now that awkwardness is over,’ Bridget says, ‘I’d like to say a few words.’

‘God, she’s drunk,’ Sarah stage-whispers, earning herself a sideways glance from Bridget, who has actually stood up in readiness for the moment.

‘Sam, I know we’ve given you a hard time about being single, but I want you to know that we’ve always just wanted the best for you. Getting married is what’s expected, but I’ve come to realise that you are stronger than us.’ Her voice wobbles a little, and she takes a sip of her cocktail in what I assume is an attempt to disguise it. ‘I guess I thought you were just saying you wanted to be single because it was easier than admitting you wanted a partner but couldn’t find one, but now I realise that you really are fine on your own. Look at what you’ve achieved. You’re going on a new adventure, and we know you’ll be fine. Sam, we love you so much.’ She raises her glass. ‘To Sam.’

‘To Sam,’ Viv and Sarah chorus.

‘Thank you.’ I look at each of them one by one. ‘I’m going to miss you, ladies,’ I say, suddenly overwhelmed by a stab of emotion. ‘I love you three.’ Friendships haven’t always come easy to me, so the emotion probably chokes me a little more than it would someone else.

‘Group hug!’ Sarah shouts, wrapping her arms around us all, and we collapse into fits of laughter.

A Summer to Remember

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