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“And Mary said, ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.’”

luke 1:46-47 (esv)

Scripture does not record many details of Mary dealing with the big life change of becoming a new mother, let alone being newly pregnant with the promised Messiah. We read only how Gabriel shared the news with her that she’d been chosen, and we hear her acceptance. We do learn that after Elizabeth hears her blessing, Mary sings a song of praise to the Lord, which is often referred to as Mary’s Magnificat. At the very least, we can assume that Mary must have had parents who loved the Word of God and faithfully taught it to her. The song recorded here in Luke was filled with biblical truths she must have been taught. Even the style of the song was reminiscent of Old Testament poetry and music.

Magnificat means to magnify or enlarge. Mary’s song was about bringing glory to God, where it rightfully belonged. While she knew all eyes would be on her with many not understanding her and assuming untruths, Mary knew deep in her heart what an honor God had blessed her with.

Many of us will not face a spotlight quite like the one Mary had, but anytime someone wants to know what we are doing and why, I pray we will be ready with an answer that brings glory and magnifies the Lord at work in us.

I praise You, Lord, and magnify Your name because You are good,

and Your mercy endures forever!

Heart & Home for Christmas

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