Читать книгу Wedding Willies - Victoria Pade - Страница 2

Kit suddenly found her thoughts split between what Ad was saying and the scenario forming in her head.


A scenario in which they were at the end of a date. A date she’d thoroughly enjoyed. And that they were about to kiss good-night.

But they weren’t about to kiss good-night. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” she forced herself to say, attempting to escape her daydream. “Thanks for all your help tonight,” she said, prolonging this moment.

“Don’t mention it. I’d be your kitchen assistant anytime,” he joked with a lascivious note in his voice, tossing her a sexy half smile to go with it.

And that was when it struck her that Ad Walker absolutely was not like any other guy. And spending the last couple of hours with him hadn’t cured whatever it was she’d been infected by the moment she’d met him.

No, if anything she thought that she really had been bitten by the Ad bug. Bitten but good.

And there was only one thing that would cure her.

Wedding Willies

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