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Chapter Four


Sunlight streamed through the windshield and side windows of James’s red SUV as he drove out of town toward the gentle hills surrounding Brody’s Crossing. Scarlett snuggled into the leather seat and enjoyed the feeling of warmth and security. He was a good driver and she felt lulled into safety by his presence. She really didn’t care where they were headed as long as it wasn’t back to Clarissa’s House of Style or McCaskie’s Service Station.

“Would you like to see the Brody family ranch?”

“Sure. Do you still raise cattle?”

“No. My dad is retired, but they keep a few pets. My mother got some goats from someone new in town, Raven York. She’s originally from New Hampshire, so I guess you could say that she’s the previous ‘not from around here’ newcomer. She married into another local ranching family, the Crawfords. Her husband, Troy, is a client of mine.”

“I haven’t met her yet.”

“She eats lunch with Clarissa and her group at the café sometimes. You should meet her. She’s very much into natural foods and recycling and all that.”

“I haven’t gotten into that yet. Maybe once I’m in L.A.”

James chuckled. “You’re going to plan on becoming environmentally aware?”

Scarlett shrugged. “I don’t know. I haven’t thought much about it. But that kind of thing is popular in California.”

“How about what you think? What you believe in?”

“I believe it’s important to be eco friendly. I just haven’t thought about it much.”

“What about your family?”

“My mother recycles newspapers, glass and plastic.” When Scarlett lived at home, it was always her job to drag the stuff out to the curb once a week.

“No, I mean, what are they like? Do you think you’ll miss them?”

She shrugged. “I guess. Like I told you before, they aren’t really excited about my career, so they probably think moving to California is stupid. We sort of agreed not to discuss it.”

Texan for the Holidays

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