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“ Damn, that girl is choking on guilt and you slaughtered her. You're such an asshole, Logan said when we were done taking my stuff to Easton's room instead of his. Even though I wasn't convinced, I finally gave in and moved into this little room I would be sharing with one of my best friends for the next few months.

- Shut up, gigolo, I insulted him, made nervous by the pain in my shoulder and the fact that he was defending the one who was the source of all my misfortunes.

- Double asshole, he sighed bitterly as he threw himself on Easton's bed.

- Instead of wasting time with this bullshit, we could think about how to help you for the courses, since the doctors told you to remain with rest for at least one week worried Ant while seizing the tablet where he preserved all types of information. And the ones he didn't have, he was hacking on the university's website. From what I've seen, if we put together my notes, Easton's notes, and the one whose name must not be spoken, we should be able to cover every course.

- If I were Felicity, I wouldn't help you after the way you treated her, Logan muttered before I could shut him up by throwing a pillow in his face.

- I'll take care of her. She's a friend of Alice's and I'll get her to help us, Easton interjected, immediately sending a message to his girlfriend based on the plan Ant had already prepared and sent to everyone.

- I don't give a shit about school, I exploded as the pain became more and more unbearable.

- If your grandfather hears you...

- My grandfather can go burn in hell!

The door to the room opened wide at the same moment.

"And I will go my dear grandson. But not before I set you straight, my grandfather said as he entered the room and took in every particle of air there was. I always felt this way with him: apneic, ready to die from his sharp eyes and despotic tone.

“ - Hello, Mr. Jackson, my friends exclaimed in unison, intimidated. They too had never managed to impose themselves in front of this powerful man who emanated power and destruction from every pore.

- Get out of here, he replied, and the room emptied in a second.

Cowards !

Dear Ryo, we're down to three with this latest bullshit, he began to torment me with his deep, threatening voice.

- You don't even ask me how I am?

- I've already spoken to your doctors and the hatred in your eyes tells me that you're not in enough pain to accept what I'm about to tell you without discussion.

- You can't command me.

- Are you sure?”

No, I wasn't. Even my father depended on him and would never do anything to upset him. He was too fragile and alone to fight such a stepfather. The only chance of survival was to distance himself.

I avoided him too. I hadn't told him about my accident because I didn't want to worry him, and I knew my grandfather wouldn't say anything because he took too much pleasure in being the one pulling the strings of his puppets.

“ You dropped field hockey and I didn't say anything. You got pulled over in a clandestine motorcycle race and I warned you that if I caught you again on any form of transportation, I would punish you. And now you've had an accident on that damn motorcycle, which I promptly wrecked before you could even think of getting it fixed.

- How dare you? I exploded, but he ignored me.

-I'm not done yet. I just told the bank to cancel your credit cards. From now on, you're poor, boy.

- How do I live?

- I already got you a job. You're going to work for the Jackson Company , just as soon as you get well.

- I'm not going to work for you!

- You will, or you can kiss this whole thing goodbye. Not to mention your klutz of a father...

- He's got nothing to do with this!

- I'll tell him about all the stupid things his son does.”

It was hard to swallow because even though I didn't have much of a relationship with my father, I didn't want to hurt him. He had already had enough problems with my mother, who had caused him to have a nervous breakdown.

“ You're a bastard, I snarled fiercely, but he laughed.

- Yes, I am, and remember that my blood runs through your veins too. There's a reason why a lot of people say we're so much alike.”

It was true. We had the same build and ebony eyes. My skin was more amber than his, which was dark, while his jet black hair was sprinkled with gray.

“ I want you to become a model student and stop being evil like your...mother was,” he added, stumbling over the last word. Talking about his daughter was like opening a bloody wound that would never heal.

He didn't wait for me to answer. He turned and walked away.

I threw myself onto the bed, causing a twinge in my cracked rib.

I tried to breathe normally again, inhaling the last of the oxygen left in the room.

I was trying to get the tension down when I heard another knock at the door.

“ Come in,” I shouted, angry at the constant coming and going, which only brought bad news.

The door opened slowly and the woman who would soon populate my nightmares entered.

I looked at her for a long time, wondering how this anonymous and insignificant girl had managed to make such a mess of my life.

Her knotted hair left her round, pale face free, in which two large dark circles highlighted her red, swollen eyes under a pair of dark glasses.

It was obvious that what had happened had shaken her deeply and I knew in my heart that it was also my fault, because I was speeding on my motorcycle, but the idea of unloading all the responsibility on her was easier to bear.

“ Hi... Am I... bothering you? she whispered shyly as she approached with a box in her hand.

- What do you want?

- I wanted to give you this... she said, handing me the container. It's blueberry muffins. I hope you like them. It's a peace offering, and I also wanted to tell you that I've already agreed with your friends about the notes. We have a lot of classes together, so I'll be able to bring you all the course work seen each day. And if you need to go to the doctor or anywhere, I have a car. I can drive you around and run errands for you.”

She was practically offering to be my personal slave.

I held back a smile and opened the box from which emanated an incredible scent of blueberries, butter, sugar, vanilla...

I bit into a cake.

It was delicious and very tender. Exactly like the girl who was facing me, with her unctuous forms hidden under black flared pants and a long white tee-shirt that covered her generous buttocks.

“ It's not bad, I declared as I began to eat the second muffin.

- It's my pleasure. You know, I made them in the kitchen lab of the club I belong to,” she explained with embarrassment.

I settled more comfortably on the bed and was again pierced by a painful twinge in my shoulder.

“ - Do you want a painkiller? she said immediately.

- I don't know where I put them. I've been looking for them for hours.

- Maybe they're here," she said, pointing to a bag with the pharmacy symbol on it. She opened it and took out the damn medicine.”

She handed me a pill and a glass of water.

I swallowed it all and lay back on the bed, exhausted.

I was dead and the day never seemed to end.

I fell asleep without realizing it.

I didn't even feel Felicity put a blanket over me and quietly leave the room.

When I woke up, I was shaken by Easton, my cellmate.

“ Are you coming to dinner? he asked me as he ate a muffin from Felicity.

- I'm not hungry, I replied, exhausted and in pain.

- These muffins are good. Where did you get them?

- Felicity made them.

- What the hell? He jerked and spit out the cake, waking me up immediately.

- What's wrong with you?

- Felicity is friends with Alice.

- What's wrong with that?

- Don't you remember what Alice did to me when I ate her cake after treating her badly?

- Oh, fuck! I recalled, startled. Are you saying Felicity put a laxative in the muffins too?

- I don't know, but her friendship with Alice may not have done her any good.

- I still don't understand how you can date this public menace! Find Alice and have her tell you if I need to run to the hospital to get my stomach pumped, dammit!”

In an instant, Easton called his girlfriend, who immediately reassured him that Felicity was too nice to do something like that, even though she had suggested it to her given the way she had been treated.

I lay back down with a sigh of relief, four pillows in my back to ease the pain in my rib.

I prayed that the day would come to an end as soon as possible and finally fell asleep on the medication.

Touch Me

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