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Chapter 1. Energy Basics
The form


Plants and animals are able to absorb Qi directly from space, and some plants use this ability quite effectively. We are talking about evergreen conifers capable of surviving in harsh conditions. For example, pine and spruce are able to receive significant volumes of Qi directly from space. They produce enough energy for evergreen existence. Pine, spruce and other conifers are among the most ancient. The age of the oldest pine is more than 5 thousand years (Pine spiny intermountain grows in California USA). The age of spruce vegetatively propagated exceeds 9 thousand years (it grows in Sweden).

Perhaps in ancient times the space was saturated with Qi and all living things consumed it with ease, but over time the amount of elementary Qi began to gradually decrease and the flora and fauna evolved, adapting to the conditions of reducing the volume of free Qi. Plants, formed a special form and mastered photosynthesis, animals adapted to extract this energy from plants by consuming them for food and mastered the use of oxygen in the air or in water. Some plants have learned to effectively use free Qi space, which, thanks to a special form, can maintain a green crown even in harsh winter conditions. The form, for the free energy of Qi, is organizing. Pine and spruce has a pointed pyramidal shape, which attracts large volumes of Qi space. In the period of winter dormancy, this energy is enough to sustain life. This form allows not only to survive in harsh conditions, but also to live longer than other trees.

Not only plants have the ability to capture and accumulate free Qi. Qi is located in the atmosphere of the Earth attract and accumulate clouds. The shape of the cloud attracts, and the water molecules retain Qi entering the Earth from outer space. A certain period of Qi to be in the cloud in the form of Yin, but with the approach to any object with a polarity of Yang, the accumulated Qi is converted to another form and manifests itself in the form of lightning.

Form organizes free energy. Any matter is a form of Qi organization, which is in the passive Yin phase, its transition to the active phase is accompanied by a dynamic burst of energy.

The form is the main energy tool for any living being. All plants and animals have a form, and their energy structure directly depends on it. In addition, inside the form there may be small forms dependent on it, which transform and accumulate the energy of another, more dense level. The compaction of energy is a process occurring everywhere in the universe; it led to the emergence of all material. Look at the variety of forms of animate and inanimate nature – the same diversity reigns in their energy structures.

People from antiquity noticed that a certain form affects the processes occurring inside it. According to one of the theories of scientists, the physical vacuum and material objects that have a spatial-geometric structure distort the linear structure of the physical vacuum, which is a medium with a wave structure. The response of the physical vacuum is a change in its spin state, which corresponds to the appearance of torsion fields. All objects of the world around us are form-building structures that generate torsion fields. Man is also a complex set of torsion generators, from the cellular level to more general energy systems.

A special place among the variety of forms is occupied by pyramidal structures, which in addition to the impact on the surrounding space, the torsion fields generated by them, are a connecting link that perceives the cosmic torsion currents and the energy generated by man, the environment and the Earth. For example, the ancient pyramids were energy constructions and were built in such a way that they had the following properties: mummification, tissue regeneration, water structuring, they concentrated the cosmic energy like a lens and sent the seismic vibrations of the Earth into space. The properties of the pyramids were actively used in antiquity. In the modern world, the pyramids have lost some of their properties due to reduced energy flows.

The pyramid stands on the Yin base, which is the planet Earth. The top of the pyramid concentrates the potential of Yin. When approaching the top of the Yin system, it becomes the Yang in relation to it and transfers the energy potential to it. The top of the pyramid in relation to Yang active energy, located above it, is Yin and can attract and carry it through its structure. In the presence of Yang flow from space, going through the top of the pyramid, inside its structure a ball of balanced polar energy Tai Ji is formed. This ball can be used, and energy in a special way to accumulate. Those who built them used this property of the pyramids to power their needs.

Why did they make tombs in the ancient pyramids?

– The tombs in the pyramids were constructed to maintain, with the aid of a Tai Ji ball, soul activity that left the body after death. Perhaps the souls of the pharaohs resting in them to this day periodically arrive at the pyramids for recharging, and unknown substances feed on their peaks with energy.

The effective work of the upper and lower forms is provided by the musculo-skeletal structure of the body. An important role is played by all the tissues of the body involved in the formation of the form. The greater the volume of the upper and lower forms in relation to the circumference of the press in the place of their contact, the more powerful the flow of energy they focus. Maintaining the ratio of forms provides a corset of the muscles and tendons of the abdominal press. The thinner the waist, the more powerful the flow of focused energy. If you add up all sources of energy, you can easily detect the relationship between the energy flows of space (the Sun, Space, Earth) and previously accumulated energy (plant and animal food). The more the energy system focuses the spatial energy flows into the abdominal region, the less it needs food. Masters of work with external energy flows are able to do almost without food, using the energy of the elements (air and water) as the base energy, and the energy of the space as the main energy.

Increasing the waist circumference in relation to the volume of the shoulder girdle and hips leads to an energy imbalance of the body, the ratio changes in the direction of falling share of space Qi, thereby increasing dependence on food.

Comparing the forms of the skeleton of men and women, there is a difference in the ratio of the volume of the upper and lower pyramidal forms: women often dominate the lower over the upper, in men – the upper over the lower. This difference in volume maintains the strength of the polarity.

Sexual energetics 2

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