Читать книгу A Woman's Guide to Tantra Yoga - Vimala McClure - Страница 29



First there is the force of physical clash by which the lower portion of mind (sometimes called the ectoplasm) is developed. It is the result of contact between mind and matter, and the resultant clash between the subtle and dense vibrations of the two. As each living being struggles with nature to survive, that struggle refines the mind and helps develop higher capacities for survival. As these higher capacities evolve, the mind needs a subtler structure in which to grow and so takes on subtler physical forms. Early humans evolved because of clash with nature. They developed tools, agriculture, mathematics, science, etc., and as they did so, the human body evolved into a more complex form in order to house the more complex and subtle workings of the mind.

The second force of evolution is that by which the ego evolves — we can describe it as “psychic clash.” This is the association with other minds and with ideas. As the mind struggles to attune itself to the wavelength of another more highly evolved mind, clash occurs and the mind expands. It is said that often domestic animals who have a lot of contact with humans will embody as humans in the next life. Constant contact with the vibration of the human mind evolves the animal’s ego. In order for it to maintain parallelism between the physical and psychic wavelength, a subtler form is necessary. Education is a form of psychic clash that helps to evolve the human ego.

The third type of clash that acts as an evolutionary force is “spiritual clash,” by which intuition is developed. This happens only in the later stages of human evolution, when the mind has evolved sufficiently and the longing for the infinite is intense. This is the attraction between the individual mind and the infinite wavelength of supreme consciousness. It creates the tremendous desire and momentum needed to drive the spiritual aspirant to full selfrealization.

As the mind evolves, subtler forms are necessary in order for the body’s wavelength to maintain a parallel with the mind.

Now you can begin to see the importance of spiritual practices. Yoga postures, food, meditation, right conduct, service, study of spiritual ideas— all of these activities help the body/mind relationship remain in balance as you evolve.

A Woman's Guide to Tantra Yoga

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