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Leonardo da Vinci

Taken from the profane life

of the universal genius

da Vinci

Vincenzo Delle Donne

© Vincenzo Delle Donne


Leonardo da Vinci, Le proporzioni del corpo umano secondo Vitruvio, Punta metallica, penna, inchiostro marrone, tocchi d'acquerello alla testa e alle mani su carta bianco sporca, 344 x 245 mm, inv. 228

© Archivio fotografico G.A.VE “su concessione del Ministero dei beni e delle attività culturali - Gallerie dell’Accademia di Venezia”

Special thanks to:

Gianluca Delle Donne

Frank Alan Vogl

Vincenzo Delle Donne

Viale Duodo, 54

I-33100 Udine

Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason.

Leonardo da Vinci

How could the illegitimate son of a rural notary possibly become the universal genius of all mankind? More than 500 years after his death, many things are still unclear about Leonardo da Vinci: his appearance, his paintings, the twists and turns of his life. Still firmly connected in touch with antiquity, he brought mankind into the modern era of knowledge.

Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, architect, inventor, homosexual, left-hander, vegetarian and humanist. Today we worship him as a painter who revolutionized Renaissance art, but his blue-blooded clients praised and wooed the researcher, the military strategist and court entertainer in him, who brought about a new era of reason with his discoveries. Leonardo da Vinci left an encyclopedia of the knowledge of his time and ventured into spheres that had previously been considered absolute taboos.

The Italian journalist Vincenzo Delle Donne tells Leonardo's exciting and enlightening career in a an enticing way - how he became the protagonist of the Renaissance in Florence and the father of an entire generation of artists. Michelangelo and Raphael measured themselves against Leonardo, who finally outshone him artistically.

Vincenzo Delle Donne's book, in his search for clues, illuminates the historical and social environment in Florence and Italy that shaped the universal genius. The book is the product of years of research in Italian archives and museums. Seldom has the historical context of the Renaissance been described in such an interesting and clear manner.

Clos Lucé Castle near Amboise, April 23, 1519

Anchiano by Vinci, April 15, 1452: the birth of an illegitimate child

Sodom and Gomorrah in Florence

Florence and the Medici

The Magnificent, the unfortunate "Mars" and the incarnation of Venus

Mathematics and astronomy as the key to the world

Leonardo's new and revolutionary painting

The Pazzi family conspiracy

Arrival at the ducal court of Milan

Leonardo and Ludovico Sforza: the artistic genius at the service of the tyrant

The master and the young pet pupil

February 1498: the Santa Maria delle Grazie convent in Milan

The escape from Milan and the return to Florence

The sensual portrait of Monna Lisa Gherardini or: the catastrophic return to Florence

Leonardo and Michelangelo

Rafael and Leonardo

Wandering between Florence and Milan

Leonardo's artistic influence in Rome

In the end Leonardo gave in to the tempting offers of the new King of France François Ier

Leonardo: the experience as a unique science

Leonardo’s legacy

Chronology of a life


About the Author

Leonardo da Vinci

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