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“Are those names ringing any bells, Marcus?”

He hated to dash the spark he’d seen in Bethany’s eyes, but he shook his head. “None.”

Bethany pulled out a photo of his squad. “This was taken two days before the ambush.” She sat beside Marcus, pointing out the surviving rangers. She rattled off their names, but all he heard was the beating of his heart as the sweet scent of her hair wafted into his nostrils. Nothing about the ambush or his teammates seemed familiar...but she did.

Bethany glanced up at him and her eyes widened, probably at the spark of attraction Marcus was sure was blanketing his face. The familiar wide blue eyes and graceful curve of her face called to him. He reached out and stroked her jaw, moving downward to her lips. She didn’t pull away, at least not at first. Her head bobbed backward and her breathing heightened. He wanted to kiss her, just as he had a hundred times before in his dreams. It was her he’d been remembering. He’d never been more certain of anything in his life.

Mission: Memory Recall

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