Читать книгу Ranch Refuge - Virginia Vaughan - Страница 3


“Have you ever fired a gun?”

”No.” Nor did she want to. Although she had a feeling she might have to.

“You should know that I always have one on me.” He opened his jacket to reveal a holstered weapon. “As a ranger, it was my job to go into an area and clear it of enemy risks. It taught me never to be afraid. Fear is your worst enemy in battle.”

She suspected he didn’t fear anything or anyone. He’d swooped in to save her, facing death to protect someone he didn’t even know.

She felt a rush of gratitude. So much for keeping a level head around him. She stared up into his face. “Thanks for helping me, Colton. I don’t know what would have happened to me…” She fought back tears.

His eyes met hers. “I’ll keep you safe, Laura. I promise.”

How long had it been since she’d been able to trust a man?

And why did she want so badly to believe in this one?

Ranch Refuge

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