Читать книгу Cold Case Cover-Up - Virginia Vaughan - Страница 8


“Get down!” Quinn hollered as a shot rang out, hitting the back of his truck’s bed.

He grabbed hold of Dana and pushed her to the seat.

“Who are they?” she shouted.

Gripping the steering wheel, Quinn kicked in to survival mode, swerving on the road to make them more difficult to hit. He glanced out the mirror at the pursuing car and saw both the driver and passenger were wearing masks. “I wish I knew.”

Another shot sounded, this one shattering the back window. Dana covered her head with her hands as she crouched by the seat as best she could.

A third shot hit the tire. Quinn heard the pop of the rubber blow, then the truck veered sharply to the right, sending them spinning. He turned into the spin, doing his best to right the vehicle, but the truck was going too fast.

“Hang on,” he managed to shout before the truck smashed into the guardrail and tilted into the air. His seat belt locked as he was thrown forward, and he heard Dana scream as the truck plummeted down the embankment, rolling with each sickening second.

Cold Case Cover-Up

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