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Where do I begin? I have many people to thank. Without Mitch Van Dusen's enthusiasm, persistence, dedication, and passion, this book may have remained an idea that never hatched into being. He and his wife, Paloma Mele, were directly responsible for creating the foundation for this manifesto. Matt Holt and my friends at John Wiley & Sons, Elizabeth Gildea and Shannon Vargo, saw the value of this book and quickly offered to publish it. Dawn Kilgore at Wiley provided excellent editorial feedback. The Statbrook Group, consisting of Frank Mangano, Steve G. Jones, Paul Mascetta, and Glenn Cucurullo, always support my product ideas; together we have created an online product and a movement around this book at www.awakenedmillionaireacademy.com/begin. Suzanne Burns and Zion Chatelle have been with me a long time, as friends and assistants, without whom few of my projects would get done. Achieve Today, who run my Miracles Coaching® program, are all beautiful souls who help carry my work into the world. And of course, Nerissa, my love, is always there for me. I love you all and thank you all.

The Awakened Millionaire

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