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Chapter 2

Christmas was definitely in the air as Lola finished getting ready. Her mom had brought her a cup of Earl Grey and some homemade rolls for a snack. Lola was still undecided about what to wear that night. Sipping her tea, she glanced at the closet and chose a baby gray two-piece mini leather skirt set. She also chose a black leather halter top and a pair of baby gray leather boots. She would wear her hair up in a bun so she could wear her gray Shearling (coat) and the matching hat. She chose a soft pink lipstick and blush for her makeup, and on her eyes, a baby gray shadow with a dark grey eye pencil for a dramatic look.

Her jewelry was a set of black and grey pearl earrings that dangled, and a matching necklace. Lola was an easy five-foot-four inches with caramel skin, big pretty brown eyes with eyebrows that were painted on at birth. Her hair came straight down her back and she had lips that begged to be kissed, and perfect teeth. She had a body that showed she cared and worked hard to keep it. A sheet looked good on her. Her wit and intelligence were the combination of both of her parents. She was a daughter with two other siblings. She showed drive and determination in everything she did, and had a huge sense of humor, and serious insight in connecting to others, like today. Sterling was on her mind like a blazing fire out of control. Wow! she thought to herself, I have to calm myself down. “Right,” she said aloud. Maybe after the first kiss, she chuckled to herself.

She was admiring herself in the mirror when the phone rang. She picked it up and said, “Hello?”

“Hey, baby, how are you doing tonight?”

Her mind screamed Storm. “Hey, Storm, how you are?”

“I am okay,” he said. “Would be better if I could see you tonight.”

“Sorry, I have plans. Besides, that would not be a good thing.

“Oh,” he said.

“Yes, I am sure between your business and your selfish dramas that you can find some helpless victim to handle your needs, whatever they are. As you know, after dealing with you, I am taking a much needed break, meaning staying away from your bullshit and your slick ass.”

“I did not call to argue or upset you,” he said with an edge in his voice.

“Good,” she said, “because I have to go. Bye, Storm.”

Storm now that is a true annoyance, Lola thought to herself. As she looked in the mirror, she saw traces of a frown line between the creases of her eyebrows. “Now, that is not a good thing!” she said aloud. The ringing of the phone startled her, and this time she checked her caller ID. It was Sasha.

“Hey, lady, what time will you be at the club?”

“At seven,” Lola said.

“I will see you there.”

“Okay.” Sasha seemed to detect Lola being distracted.

“What is the matter?” Sasha asked.

“Storm just called.”

“Tell him to get a life on another planet,” Sasha said. “What did he say?”

“He wants to get together for the holidays. I find that funny, because when we were together, I could not find him. Anyway, I ended the conversation quick and sweet. By the way, I have a new prospect having dinner with me tonight. Also, Toni and Melinda will be there too, so you all can have dinner together.”

“Cool,” Sasha said. “A little catch up on what’s going on with everybody. I will probably be eating at nine.”

“Is everything okay with you, Sasha?”

“I am okay,” Sasha replied. “I needed a break.

“We can all hang out until nine. By then, Sterling should arrive.”

Sasha asked, “As in sterling silver?”

Lola replied, “As in the best money can buy.”

“Interesting,” Sasha said, “See you in a few.”

Lola hung up the phone. That’s my girl, Lola thought. Sasha is one of my closest and dearest friends. This will be great, Lola thought. The “Feline Pack” will be together tonight. Melinda should arrive by seven and Toni is already there. It’s on. Lola finished changing her pocketbook. She then grabbed her coat and hat, and headed downstairs. She locked her doors. It was decided a long time ago that when everyone was out, one had to secure the home front as if going on a long vacation.


Across town, Sterling was contemplating his attire as well. As the cab drove down 133rd Street and Adam Clayton Powell Boulevard, Lola could see the lights twinkling into the night. Earlier on, she had purchased two gold square planters, and filled them with red and green marbles. She then placed a white branch in each that stood six feet tall. She wrapped lights of different colors around its stem, and then added clear lights to every branch. On the door, she had two exquisite gold balls hanging on the inside, and at each window she had lights that looked like gold stars. She had also moved the ashtrays to opposite ends of the front door so that the patrons could continue to smoke and not mistake the planters for ashtrays. Sandy’s looked like an exquisite Christmas card for a Jazz/Supper Club.

As she and her mother exited the cab, Toni came out to assist her mom with one of the cakes, saying, “Your husband has been asking for you.”

Summer replied, “I am sure he has, let me get these cakes to him.” As they headed to the kitchen.

My girl, Toni, is looking absolutely hot in that red pants suit. With a white satin vest with red rhinestone buttons, she looks beautiful, Lola thought. She asked Toni as she headed back, “Did our guest arrive?”

She replied, “Yes, and that the group is having dinner with your uncle right now.”

“Cool,” she said, while handing her the tickets for the night and started heading to the office. Lola stopped to say hello to Mason who was head of security. “What’s happening, Mason? You look nice tonight,” she said.

“Thanks, Lola, you look rather hot yourself.”

“Thanks. How is the new baby?” Lola asked.

“He is great when he sleeps.” They both laughed as they headed toward the bar, and they saw Bella checking everything as she was counting her stock. “Good evening, Bella, how are you tonight?” Lola asked who she thought was the greatest bar mixer in the world.

“Fine, girl, you are wearing that gray,” she said.

“As if that cream suit with a side slit and black halter isn’t working?”

“Hey, anything to make the bars cash register ring.”

They started to laugh. Everyone knew that most clubs made their money at the bar. They had decided a while ago to forgo the average dress code. The bartenders and bar maids dressed to impress on most nights, depending on the theme season or occasion. Heading to the office, Lola saw Chris as he prepared the stage for the night’s performance. She waved as he nodded, listening to the sound checks. Chris was an expert at technical adjustments. The club patrons never had to worry about a good seat, because anywhere was perfect.

As she passed the stage, her uncle Russell called out her name. “Lola! Lola, come over here and meet our guests. They have heard so many nice things about you!” Now how would they know about me, she thought.

Her mind thought of Pebbles McKinney, the club promoter. Pebbles could not help herself, always getting top acts for the club, and even the not so big. If there was a talent that could hold her attention for two minutes, she would give them a shot.

As Lola got closer to Roy Ayers and the group, they stood. She graciously extended her hand and said, “You must do ‘You Send Me.’”

‘But of course,” Roy said, “and thank you for having us. It has been awhile since we have been back in Harlem.” He then introduced Lola to the group.

“I will be on point for ‘You Send Me.’ Your father is an excellent cook.”

“Thank you,” she said. “I will make sure that the dessert brings you to your knees for that song.” They all laughed as she and Lola slapped each other a high-five. She said, “You have a deal.”

Lola smiled at them and said, “I will check on you all a little later. Relax and take in Sandy’s guys.” Lola started walking back to her office when she heard Toni calling. “Lola you have a phone call.”

Lola asked, “High heels or sneakers?”

“Sneakers,” she said, “and they sound new. I say it must be Sterling.” Her eyebrows shot up.

Lola looked at her and said, “I suppose you will be right here when I hang up?”

“Right here,” she said as Lola took the phone from Bella.

“Hello, Lola speaking.”

“Good evening, Lola,” the voice echoed.

“Sterling, what a surprise. Are you calling to cancel? Or are you checking my credibility?”

“None of the above,” he said. “I am in a quandary on what one should wear to Sandy’s. Is it a jacket and tie? Or can I wear a turtleneck? You do understand my problem?”

“We are not a conservative or stiff establishment. We like our patrons to wear their party or relaxed dress clothes. I thought you had been here before?”

“It’s been a while. Besides, I had not met you and wish to be correct on all points.”

“Okay, I understand. Dress like you are going to a party to chill. Okay?” Lola said.

“I have one more question.”


“What do you have on?” he asked.

“I have on a two-piece suit, and at nine you will see it. See you soon. Bye.”

Lola laughed as she handed the phone back to Bella. Two things crossed her mind: 1. Picture him wearing something inappropriate; and 2. Toni was dying to hear all about him right now.

“Earth to Lola,” Toni said, disturbing the reverie.

“I told you I had met someone today when we spoke, and at nine tonight, all of your questions will be answered. And maybe, knowing you, a few may be raised.” Her eyebrows went up immediately.

“May I ask his name?”

“His name is Sterling Dane Stanton.”

“Well, excuse me,” Toni said. “Does he”

Lola raised her hand and said he looks like the sound of his name, and then she smiled at Toni. She thought, Oh, my, yes, he does as she walked away. Finally making it to her office, Lola hung her coat and checked her appearance. it was now 6:30 p.m. At seven o’clock, the doors would open. The crowd had been forming since 6:45 p.m.; the headcount had been fifty. The tickets would determine how many were here for the show or for dinner. If they chose both, they could save fifty dollars.

Chris had weaved his special magic. The stage setting looked awesome. I hope Roy and his crew enjoy it and jam their hearts out, Lola thought. The door opened, and in walked Melinda Jade Barnes. She looked tanned and sexy.

Lola said, “Hey, girl, welcome back to the ice age.”

“I hope I do not catch a cold,” she said. “So who is he? Toni could not wait to tell me.”

Lola laughed out loud, and said, “You will see for yourself at nine. You look wonderful, was it a profitable business trip?”

“It was,” she replied. “I found a wonderful location in San Francisco. I am still thinking about it. I want to stay close to you guys.”

“Oh please,” Lola said, “we can fly back and forth any time we want to. Besides, in the spring, you will be checking the east coast.”

Melinda smiled and said, “I am glad that you feel that way, because I need you three to come and look at the property. My realtor has a two-week hold on the place, and since today is the first, and the fifteenth is the cutoff, we will have to be there on the twelfth and make it a weekend thing. So we can shop, go to the beach, and then to the clubs.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Lola said. “I know Toni and I have been looking for a quick getaway. Have to check with Sasha, though, I think her finals will be over by then.”

“Why not ask her tonight? She will be here.”

“Before I forget, you look absolutely breath taking in that turquoise leather halter dress. Those cream boots are slamming as are those matching earrings, and that butterfly tattoo looks alive. You go, Pocahontas, you look wonderful,” Lola interjected. Melinda looked exceptional that night at five-foot-seven, with her long brown tresses in a single braid. Her look would make any man want to pow pow her. Her slanted eyes were done in a soft black Kohl pencil and that gave the look of the orient to mind.

“Why, thank you, sis, you know how we roll. By the way, Lola, where did you get that suit? It is the bomb!”

“This little number came from Macy’s.”

“Well, all I have to say is whoever he is, Lord have mercy on his soul. What time is dinner? And will we be eating together? Or will we have the pleasure to casually observe the two of you?”

“You mean you three will have the pleasure of eye-stalking me.” They laughed.

“By the way, Melinda, do you feel like being a hostess tonight in the supper club?”

“Try stopping me with Roy Ayers in the house!”

The telephone rang, and it was Mason saying it was seven o’clock.

“Are we set?” Lola asked.

“We are,” he said.

“Okay, then, let them in.”

“By the way, Sasha is headed your way.”

“Cool,” Lola replied. Sasha came through the door wearing a Sable coat, looking like a fox.

“It is cold out there tonight!” she said. “I am putting my coat in here tonight. I will need a place to retreat to every now and then. Lola, is the computer up?” she asked.

“Yes, but you can log in under my name tonight.” Most nights, when a thought came to mind, she would send an e-mail to herself.

“Melinda, you look great,” Sasha said as she gave her a hug. “Okay, at nine we meet the man.”

“That is correct,” Lola agreed.

“Sasha will you be able to go to San Francisco on the twelfth for a weekend?” Melinda asked. “I have some property I would like to get your opinion on.”

“It sounds feasible,” Sasha said.

“Okay, I know Toni will go, so it is a done deal. I will look into the reservations and plane fares. Sasha, would you mind helping Melinda in the supper club tonight?” Lola asked.

“Not a problem,” she said as she took off her coat.

“On second thought, maybe you should be with Bella behind the bar instead.”

“Wow, I do feel sorry for those men dreaming of a Sasha in their Christmas stocking.” Sasha Marie Stewart was a true fox. She had the Betty Boop look to her, but she was chocolate and had legs to die for. Tonight, she had on a suede suit in light pink that landed on the middle of her thighs, with a colorful muted vest with pink, lavender, and flecks of deep tan that had a buttoned front and a strapless back. She had on crystal earrings that reflected the vest and became multi-colored. She had on pale pink suede boots that matched the suit perfectly. With pink lips and a short pixie haircut, she was ready to do some serious damage.

Lola looked at her girls and gave them each a hug as Toni came into the office. They all grabbed hands and bowed their heads, and did the prayer they usually did together. They thanked God for yet another night together, and always after the amens, they said, “Let the good times roll!”

Melinda and Sasha started heading out of the office when Toni said, “This will be a very special night for all of us, I can feel it.”

Lola looked at her and said, “I hope so.” While checking her makeup and touching up her lipstick, she headed for the door and locked it. As they walked toward the stage, they could hear the group tuning up as the sounds of Grover Washington Jr. played in the air as Sandy’s magic came alive again.

When one happened upon Sandy’s for the first time a wave of awe would consume them. The inside was a masterpiece as was the outside. Sandy’s recent facelift had paid off nicely. Under the careful guidance of Lola’s architect and the family’s dollars, they made Sandy’s a place to behold.

Sandy’s, named for the summer beach house in South Carolina, was completely surrounded by sand. It held a lot of wonderful memories, just as the supper club did. When one would walk into the supper club, the spacious area was done like a comfortable living room. The first eye-catching effects were the pictures of Bugs Bunny in a tuxedo and Daffy Duck in an Italian suit in black-and-white stills with overhead lights that added a special effect to them. The wall was painted an exotic red, and with the black frames, it made quite an effect.

There was a rectangular glass table that stretched along most of the wall that held club cards, matches, mints, toothpicks, and club information. It also held show times and future acts. There were black and red loveseats, a total of twenty, opposite the pictures. The floor was done in a black-and-white checkered pattern with a red, white, and black pattern in the middle. The lighting was all overhead like spotlights, but with a soft glow.

As you came into the club, on your right was the coat checkroom where Trent and Darla worked. To your left, past the chairs, were the restrooms. The next door was for personnel only, which had a security guard stationed there at all times. Near the entrance was the host and hostess station and, of course, security. As you stepped from the foyer, you could see a huge cherry wood bar with bar stools that sat twenty at the bar, and twenty more barstools across from the bar for the after-work crowd, with appetizers, of course.

The room was done in high-gloss silver paint with pictures of celebrities and guests adorning them in cherry wood frames. As you walked past the bar, there was an extraordinary mirror there that was made with a frame of cherry wood, and engraved chips of cut glass around the edges. Another eye-catcher was the huge picture of Betty Boop at the far end of the bar with sheet music behind her as she appeared to be singing.

As you walked around the bar, to your right was the stage area, which was polished in high wood beams of cherry wood and a beautiful wood stained floor. The dining area, which was the largest part, was done in a sandy tan with twenty round tables for five, six tables for six, and nine for two. There were also two private booths for staff and special guests which were discreetly off to the side. Each table was covered in either a cream, turquoise, pink, gold, green or peach table cloth with small vases of birds of paradise, and other assorted fresh flowers, with candlelight. Soft pink lighting hung above like miniature spotlights. There was a mural drawn on the round wall that encircled the dining area. The mural was a mystical jungle with beautiful cats and various animals looking on with pleasure in their eyes.

Off to your left were the restrooms. The ladies’ rooms was done in pink, and the men’s in blue. Both had murals which were done in a “chill” mode for each gender. The lady’s was done as an exotic boudoir of feminine persuasion as the men’s was painted as a sports arena with pictures of different athletes. They were both kept immaculate. Another exit sign hung near the offices and staff lounge off to the far right of the stage.

As Toni and Lola approached the patrons, they greeted them with smiles and hopes of a good night to be had by all. It was now 7:00 pm and counting 2 hours for Lola to get the lump out of her throat, and twenty minutes more to question her doubts. Sterling will definitely be a new pulse to the place, even for that one night, she thought to herself. She was totally lost in thought when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

“Oh, hi, Mommy,” Lola said.

“Where were your thoughts just now? You look a little shaken,” she said.

“I think it would be safe to say I’m slightly nervous,” she said.

“Nervous. You? Maybe your sister, Misha, but not you. Okay, everyone may get a little apprehensive, but not nervous. Lola, handle him like you do business, okay? Your heart does not know him yet,” she said. “You look beautiful tonight, and so do my other daughters. You ladies all seem to be on a secret mission to hurt all the fellows badly.” She chuckled. “It is wonderful having all of you here. Oh, look, there is your sister.”

Lola waved to her, and she waved back. Misha was headed to the office.

“There seems to be a problem with one of the food vendors. We are going to get to the bottom of it right now.”

“Okay,” Lola said.

“Lola, at nine, I will be near,” her mom said as she also headed to the office


Love Has No Time or Place with Lola and Friends

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