Читать книгу Manage your dream. Your opportunities are endless - Влад Рековски - Страница 3

Preface by the author


The possibilities of any of us are not just great, our possibilities are endless! This is what my book tells about. Your opportunities in any field of activity are not limited, but only if you have not limited yourself in thoughts, desires and aspirations!

Our life begins with these things! And it continues colorfully, brightly, and you will be happy in this life only when you realize exactly what you want in this life! But defining your purpose will be the most difficult, in my opinion, task. The life path is formed from the experience that we get after a series of changing goals due to falls and revaluations, new rises and new challenges. And if you turn out to be honest with yourself, without hiding behind, without shifting the reasons for your failures to the outside world, but completely take responsibility on yourself, then gradually comes what has always, albeit in different forms and manifestations, led you all this time, what is your real goal is your destiny – to find yourself, to become yourself.

Life is wonderful if it is understood and lived with wide-open eyes, with an open soul and a kind heart, even if it is tragic! Tragedy is not meaningless, there is nothing shameful in it – it will be worse when we turn our life into a tortured personal drama, or, moreover, into a farce. That is why such a life is a journey “into the depths of oneself”.

All this, taken together, will be our life! Moving forward on this difficult path is the meaning of life. All the experience and all the trials that we get, moving only our own way, and it will be a great happiness to be and live here and now!

The first part of the book is “A DREAM OF A LIFETIME”.

40 years ago, when I was still a teenager, at the age of about 10, I began to notice that the main life changes, which at that time had already begun to take place in my life, were constantly associated with the experience of certain states, the presence or absence of specific thoughts, emotional states or desires.

Over the next 40 years, my life has changed dramatically many times: it was moving abroad, returning to Russia, working and living with my family in India, and much more. On this difficult path, there were successes and complete failures, which led me to the loss of all financial savings, loss of business and complete family collapse. At some moments, I no longer knew how to live on, and most importantly – why! I will talk about how I found the strength to cope with all the trials that came my way, what feelings and thoughts accompanied me, what decisions I was guided by and what results it led me to.

In the second part of the book – “THE SECRET HIDDEN FROM HUMANITY” – I again turn to my past and received experience in order to open for the reader the door to the world usually closed to us, to the world of energy and a true vision of reality, to the world ruled by our subconscious!

Over the past few years, I have been looking for confirmation and explanation for all my assumptions, guesses and schemes that I could identify and fix by observing the relationship between changes in my life and my thoughts, emotions, my inner state.

To understand the full picture of what was happening, I had to gain additional knowledge in the field of quantum physics, turn to the results of scientific research of the Institute of Mathematics of the Heart, the Moscow Institute for the Study of Consciousness (MISС), scientific publications by A. Einstein, M. Planck “Religion and Natural Science”, K. Jung “Synchronicity”, plunge into the psychology, religion, philosophy of the East, especially Buddhism, collect facts from the lives of some people who, after the tragic events that happened to them, not only changed their lives for the better and became happy, but also recovered from difficult and incurable, in our usual understanding, diseases, using only the power of your subconscious.

In this book, I describe real events in my life, authentic experiences and emotions. Based on my personal experience, which is confirmed in modern scientific research in the field of neuroplasticity, I want to show and tell you that no matter how difficult your initial life situation is, you always have the opportunity not only to survive, but to rebuild your life and live like this as you want it!

But you need to want very, very much! And the results of your desires and efforts will surprise you with the suddenness of their manifestation and exceed your expectations!

Mark Twain once said: “If you want, but you can’t, then you don’t really want to!”

So, my reader, I invite you to make this unique journey and know yourself, and time does not matter at all, everything happens today and now!

Manage your dream. Your opportunities are endless

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