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Chapter 2. Closed opening


– Well, what is the principle by which various state-scale institutions are awarded with the names of famous people in Russia? – Vasily Petrovich was puzzled in the morning with a hangover. His head buzzing with pain set him up to criticize everything and everywere.

– It is clear that those associated with science, technology and production are the names of great scientists and designers: Korolev, Tupolev, Vernadsky. The surnames of outstanding writers and artists adorn the Academy of Arts – named after Repin, the Institute of Russian Literature – Pushkin House. Logically, – the academician debated with himself, lying on a feather bed in his luxurious blue bedroom.

The pain slowly drifted away, returning normal feelings and sane thoughts. By the evening, when the unclouded consciousness of the researcher returned to Vasily Petrovich, the conclusion was formed that the sauna, as a platform for developing ideas, had, alas, exhausted itself. The benefits of this were undeniable – the next morning, the emboldened Lomakin broke away from his fence and went to the people. Despite the cognitive dissonance, he rushed on a blue Bentley, matching the color of his eyes, according to the correct political course, to Yeltsinka library, where he hoped to find accurate and truthful information. Well, it’s not like driving to Leninka bibliotheca, all the books there must have deviated from the correct course of history…

On the subscription, read, on guard, the bespectacled librarian turned out to be vigilant, scarier than a traffic cop with a badge, she demanded a passport, a phone number, only she did not offer to breathe into a tube (and in vain!). After each question, she carefully, with a squint, looked at the academician’s reaction, and then analyzed his answer like a lie detector. While it was tedious, mockingly long to fill out a reader’s ticket with personal data, Vasily had the earth go out from under his feet several times, how bad it was with a hangover in the library stuffiness, even felt like a spy sent, and of course, from stress he wanted to add alco again. That’s how women ruin us, and you write off everything for the 1990s and cataclysms…

But thank God, the dialogues finally ended, the catalogs began. Where to start the search? Of course, with the definition of the concept! You need to know the enemy by sight, and to know his name is also a good start – linguistic turbidity, coronAvirus. In short, Vasily took a couple of folios on emidemiology and virology, walked through them with a professorial glance and quickly learned the essence. Thesis: what is the enemy like? The answer is a virus. What is a virus? This is a poison, a tiny formation, not even a cell, invisible in an ordinary microscope, but only in an electronic one. And, allegedly, this non-cell gets into an ordinary cell and multiplies there, releases the devil into the body, changes something there, and here you are: headache like now, fever, cough, and sometimes adeiu: order a wooden mackintosh, as the student Shurik used to say his partner. And the size of this non-cell is from 50 to 200 nm, that is, NANOMETERS. It was a lead… From a premonition of luck, a sudden discovery, the back of Vasily Petrovich’s head ached, like Gruppenfuhrer Muller, in the movie, in a word.

– From my father’s old budenovka, which we found somewhere in the closet.., —

Vasily quietly started the melody for some reason from the middle of the fifth verse, scratching the top of his head with his left hand, not even realizing at that moment where he was. With his free, trembling right hand, he instinctively groped for a cigarette, and in the deathly silence of the reading room, a cigarette lighter suddenly clicked loudly. From surprise, the bespectacled readers sitting at the tables jumped up in their chairs in unison. Petrovich took a savory drag on the Camel and vividly, purely automatically, expressed himself in Polish, and exclusively within the bounds of decency, as he later insisted and noted in the police report:

– Kurva takes two!

This exclamation testified that Vasily Petrovich had touched the Truth, it was somewhere nearby, very close…

Seeing a column of smoke in the reading room and a man speaking in a foreign language with a pistol in his hand, the bespectacled snake (as described by citizen Lomakin in an interview with the investigator) called a fire carriage and a police squad. We are decent people, and we will not relish further details of all the drinking and misunderstandings that happened to our hero this ill-fated evening. Well, yes, he hindered the capture and detention, well, he waved off and touched two, but he didn’t see what was in the uniform, so it wasn’t out of malice! In a warm conversation, sitting on a government stool, Vasily asked to treat this with understanding, referred to his academic status and knowledge of foreign languages, and a certificate from a psychiatric clinic saved him from serious problems. After all, what was fifteen days compared to the discovery he had made in the library?

A closed opening? It sounds like nonsense at first glance, but let’s figure it out in a simple way, on our fingers. Discovery, in a nutshell – the fundamental knowledge of previously unknown consequences of the laws of nature. For example, physicists have established the phenomenon that when exposed to electromagnetic forces, the velocity of a certain elementary particle accelerates by some amount. The example, of course, is conditional. And now these scientists are publishing an article in a scientific journal about a new pattern, proving its validity and repeatability. On this basis, the authorized state institute, after conducting special checks for compliance with the criteria, including novelty, issues scientists a document recognizing this pattern as a discovery, describes its essence, authors and the date of its establishment (priority). Imagine, however, that scientists have made a discovery, but they do not want to, and cannot, report it to the whole world – in particular, in the field of nuclear technology or weapons of mass destruction. Then they send their materials to the same national agency to recognize the regularity as a discovery, but make it inaccessible to an indefinite circle of people, that is, secret. In this case, all materials, including the decision to recognize the discovery, are also secret (or top secret, but this is not essential). Thus, this discovery is unknown to all other scientists of the world and is closed, unknown information for them. And such cases have taken place in practice. Here’s a closed discovery for you: a linguistic paradox, as Academician Lomakin would say, like a coronavirus.

The fourth president

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