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Detecting the Presence of AI Systems


Начало программы DARPA, обсуждение в polyplexus.com, Topic 21. Т.е. ставится задача мета-ИИ.

Rem. 1. What is AI-def?

A. Simple, trivial Schtuke (thing) OR

B. Complex open system (OR System of System) from connected tens category, hundreds attribute and thousand features?

Rem. 2. Detect intellect/life – permanent biological, social task

Rem. 3. Which (level of) AI? Under-human – smart device OR upper-human – singularity?

Rem. 4. There key technology is lie-detector in general as pattern recognition system + knowledge base, e.g. we have War of lie-detectors

Rem. 5. What is intellect levels circle or fork?

A. psi-phisical level of intellect connect to wisdom in circle OR

B. psi-phisical intellect and wisdom is divergent beams?

So we can detect AI from level psi-phisical AND wisdom OR

we can recognize AI in different beam of different levels of intellect?

Rem. 6.

Jacob Baxter: «Universal/fundamental detectors are generally a very hard thing. For instance, in Cyber Defense» … but very fruitful.

Named «quantum…» logic, biology etc keep in shadow eternal, infinite, nonlocal logic, biology etc.

Rem. 7. Some reduction & narrowed task: Contain system aggressive|arm|weapon LINGUISTIC system?

Сотницы определений искусственного интеллекта

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