Читать книгу Apocalypse Now - Volker Schunck - Страница 10

Believing in God


I’m astonished that I still believe in God. In spite of everything: the suffering in this world, the exploitation of the little by the powerful, in spite of my doubts about an almighty God, who seemingly looks at the whole drama without acting, who looses things without intervening. Nevertheless, I still believe in him, against any doubt. Do I have therefore still hope, because God shows me through Jesus Christ his human heart?

God transformed in his boundless creativity, which actually is only surpasses by his endless love, the original chaos – in the beginning the earth was without form and void – into a Cosmos. “Cosmos” is Greek and means as much as “nice order” or “ornament”. God equipped the human with the same attributes which he has himself. With the ability to love and to be free. That is the meaning of “God created the human in his own image”. But the human is not mature for his freedom. Love becomes to hate. Kain slays Abel. This sentence is programmatic for the history of mankind. He abuses the God-given freedom.

If God had just made the humans a little bit less free! Why God didn’t equipped them with a “faith-gen”, that they believe automatically in him? But God doesn’t want automat-humans but humans which are free. Which are free to love. But in their freedom they turn away from God.

“Here you go, than keep on groping in the darkness. Follow the temptations of the glitter world. What do I have of such humans like you! Just go on building your towers of Babel, even go on playing God and look what will become of it!”

So we would react, if someone refused our friendship. But God goes to extremes. Humanly spoken: God goes beyond himself. The eternal God takes shape in the human Jesus and goes at eye level to us humans.

How come, that they don’t recognize God in and through Jesus? How come, that they strike him dead? Is it shame, because God shows them through Christ like in a mirror, how a real human looks like? Is it because of a self-righteous routine of a dusty piety, which mistakes its tradition with God?

God spreads out his arms in Christ, like the father in the parable of the lost son and offers his reconciliation to the humans. But the son, the daughter doesn’t come home. Nobody returns ruefully – at the cross with you, you do-gooder!

The lost father. God’s open arms – come home, you are welcome, I forgive you – how similar are they to the spread out arms of the crucified! The disarming gesture of the empty palm – just look, my hands are empty, I am unarmed – offers reconciliation to us.

We humans, - how scary - me too, are potentially deicides. But our anger at an assumed almighty uberfather (Freud) is of no avail in the face of the powerless gesture of the cross. Because God wants our life, he dies with Jesus at the cross. God’s love is stronger than death. Space and time become to eternity. A human by flesh and blood finds his destination: his completion in God.

The way, which Jesus is gone, is the royal road, which leads us to completion. Humbleness, self-denial, follow-up, poverty, abandonment, abstinence, unconditional love, faithfulness sound less royal. Less modern but antique and old-fashioned. But it is strange, when we follow Christ – not only superficially as when you click a follower-button – these words suddenly become alive and colored. So as if you made a rescue breathing to revitalize a dying. They get a new meaning with every breath on the way. Actually it is them, which give our new identity in Christ power and direction. That we find our fulfillment: our completion in God.

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Apocalypse Now

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