Читать книгу Jesus - Volker Schunck - Страница 8

The one human


The one human is being born. He breezes in, he breezes out, he is awake, he sleeps, he eats, drinks, he digests and he excretes. He laughs and cries, he is patient and angry.

Then the consciousness awakes in him: I am one with God. That’s something new. That is scandalous and inappropriate. At least there and then, when and where he lives. For Jewish ears and hearts at his time, at any time, this is insolent and blasphemous. And at least unintelligible for non-Jewish. God and humans – as different as heaven and earth.

Or finally it’s fulfilled what had been a long time known, what then was forgotten, what was believed and what was not understood:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him. (Gen 1:27: NIV)

The name of the one human is not Adam but Jesus. Being one with God. That is the true Nature of human. We have forgotten this. We have forgotten God, and we have forgotten ourselves. The one human: Jesus Christ. Heaven stands open. And Jesus of whom John the Babtist says: But one more powerful than I will come and he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Lk 3:16), this Jesus himself becomes fulfilled with the Holy Spirit. (look Joh 1:32-34) That testifies John the Baptist.

Is that a proof? That is no proof. Do you need proofs?

The modern Sisyphos carries heavily at the stone, who once was thrown into the sea of world-history. At the peak of knowledge it runs like sand through the fingers of the mind, rolls itself away of every having. And then? A new try.

From distance Sisyphos looks like a man who is carrying a cross.

How long? A lifetime.

God willing his mind breaks in pieces and his heart starts to understand:

The being human of Christ is my true nature.

I am called to be one with God.

Only this way my life finds its fulfillment.

In other words: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”((Joh 3:30) KJV) Or: “… I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” ((Gal 2:20) NIV)

At the peak of knowledge YOU run like sand through the fingers of my mind, you roll yourself away of every having.

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