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Units are labels that are used to distinguish one type of measurable quantity from other types. Length, mass, and time are distinctly different physical quantities, and therefore have different unit names, such as meters, kilograms and seconds. We use several systems of units, including the metric (SI) units, the English (or US customary units), and a number of others, which are of mainly historical interest.

This part of the book contains the following:

1. International System of Units

2. Metric Units of Measurement

3. U.S. Units of Measurement

4. Tables of Equivalents


The International System of Units, abbreviated as SI, is the modernized version of the metric system established by international agreement.

1. SI Base Units

Quantity Name Symbol
length meter m
mass kilogram kg
time second s
electric current ampere A
thermodynamic temperature kelvin K
amount of a substance mole mol

2. SI Derived Units

Quantity Name Symbol
area square meter m2
volume cubic meter m3
speed, velocity meter per second m/s
acceleration meter per second squared m/s2
wave number reciprocal meter m-1
mass density kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
specific volume cubic meter per kilogram m3/kg
current density ampere per square meter A/m2
magnetic field strength ampere per meter A/m
amount-of-substance concentration mol per cubic meter mol/m3
luminance candela per square meter cd/m2
mass fraction kilogram per kilogram kg/kg

3. SI Derived Units with Special Names and Symbols

Quantity Name Symbol
plane angle radian rad
solid angle steradian sr
frequency hertz Hz
force newton N
pressure, stress pascal Pa
energy, work, quantity of heat joule J
power, radiant flux watt W
electric charge, quantity of electricity coulomb C
electric potential difference volt V
capacitance farad F
electric resistance ohm Ω
electric conductance siemens S
magnetic flux weber Wb
magnetic flux density tesla T
inductance henry H
Celsius temperature degree Celsius 0C
luminous flux lumen lm
illuminance lux lx
activity of a radionuclide becquerel Bq
absorbed dose, specific energy, kerma gray Gy
dose equivalent sievert Sv
catalytic activity katal kat

4. SI Derived Units Whose Names and Symbols Include SI Derived Units with Special Names and Symbols

Quantity Name Symbol
dynamic viscosity pascal second Pa ⋅ s
moment of force newton meter N ⋅ m
angular velocity radian per second rad/s
angular acceleration radian per second squared rad/s2
heat flux density, irradiance watt per square meter W/m2
heat capacity, entropy joule per kelvin J/K
specific heat capacity, specific entropy joule per kilogram kelvin J/(kg ⋅ K)
specific energy joule per kilogram J/kg
energy density joule per cubic meter J/m3
thermal conductivity watt per meter kelvin W/(m ⋅ K)
electric field strength volt per meter V/m
electric charge density coulomb per cubic meter C/m3
electric flux density coulomb per square meter C/m2
permittivity farad per meter F/m
permeability henry per meter H/m
molar energy joule per mole J/mol
molar entropy, molar heat capacity joule per mole kelvin J/(mol ⋅ K)
exposure (x and γ rays) coulomb per kilogram C/kg
absorbed dose rate gray per second Gy/s
radiant intensity watt per steradian W/sr
radiance watt per square meter steradian W/(m2 ⋅ sr)

5. Units Outside the SI that Are Accepted for Use with the SI

Name Symbol Value in SI units
minute min 1 min = 60 s
hour h 1 h = 60 min = 3600 s
day d 1 d = 24h = 86400 s
liter L 1 L = 1dm3 = 10−3 m3
metric tone t 1 t = 103 kg
bel B 1B = 10dB
degree (angle) 0 10 = (π/180) rad
minute (angle) ' 1′ = (1/60)0 = = (π/10800)rad
second (angle) '' 1″ = (1/60) = = (π/648000)rad
electronvolt eV 1 eV = 1.60218×10−19 J
unified atomic mass unit u 1 u = 1.66054×10−27 kg
astronomical unit ua 1 ua = 1.49598×1011m
nautical mile 1 nautical mile =1852 m
knot 1 knot = 1852/3600 m/s
are a 1 a = 100 m2
hectare ha 1 ha = 100 a = 104m2
bar bar 1 bar = 102 kPa = 105 Pa
angstrom 1 = 0.1nm = 10−10m
curie Ci 1 Ci = 3.7×1010 Bq
rad rad 1 rad = 10−2Gy
rem rem 1 rem = 10−2Sv

6. SI Prefixes


The metric system was first proposed in 1791. The French Revolutionary Assembly adopted it in 1795, and the first metric standards (a standard meter bar and kilogram bar) were adopted in 1799.

7. Units of Length

Name Symbol Value
millimeter mm 1 mm = 0.001 m
centimeter cm 1 cm = 10 mm
decimeter dm 1 dm = 10 cm
meter m 1 m = 10 dm = 1000 mm
dekameter dam 1 dam = 10 m
hectometer hm 1 hm = 10 dam
kilometer km 1 km = 10 hm =1000 m

8. Units of Area

Name Symbol Value
sq. millimeter mm2 1 mm2 = 0.000001 m2
sq. centimeter cm2 1 cm2 = 100 mm2
sq. decimeter dm2 1 dm2 = 100 cm2
sq. meter m2 1 m2 = 100 dm2
sq. decameter dam2 1 dam2 = 100 m2
sq. hectometer hm2 1 hm2 = 100 dam2
sq. kilometer km2 1 km2 = 100 hm2

9. Units of Liquid Value

Name Symbol Value
milliliter mL 1 mL = 0.001L
centiliter cL 1 cL = 10 mL
deciliter dL 1 dL = 10 cL
liter L 1 L = 10 dL = 1000 mL
dekaliter daL 1 daL = 10 L
hectoliter hL 1 hL = 10 daL
kiloliter kL 1 kL = 10 hL = 1000 L

10. Units of Volume

Name Symbol Value
cu. millimeter mm3 1 mm3 = 10−9m3
cu. centimeter cm3 1 cm3 = 1000 mm3
cu. decimeter dm3 1 dm3 = 1000 cm3
cu. meter m3 1 m3 = 1000 dm3

11. Units of Mass

Name Symbol Value
milligram mg 1 mg = 0.001g
centigram cg 1 cg = 10 mg
decigram dg 1 dg = 10 cg
gram g 1 g = 10 dg
dekagram dag 1 dag = 10 g
hectogram hg 1 hg = 10 dag
kilogram kg 1 kg = 10 hg = 1000 g
megagram Mg 1 Mg = 1000 kg = 1t


Applied Mathematical and Physical Formulas Pocket Reference

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