Читать книгу Applied Mathematical and Physical Formulas - Vukota Boljanovic - Страница 3


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Applied Mathematical and Physical Formulas,

Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition, by Vukota Boljanovic

ISBN (print): 978-0-8311-3592-8

ISBN ePDF: 978-0-8311-9361-4

ISBN ePUB: 978-0-8311-9362-1

ISBN eMOBI: 978-0-8311-9363-8

Copyright © 2016 by Industrial Press, Inc.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

This book, or any parts thereof, with the exception of those

figures in the public domain, may not be reproduced, stored

in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form without the

permission of the copyright holders.

Editorial Director: Taisuke Soda

Managing Editor: Laura Brengelman

Cover Designer: Janet Romano-Murray



Applied Mathematical and Physical Formulas

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