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Chapter III An Alluring Bait


Table of Contents

V. R.



“WHEREAS on Friday, the 27th day of July, one thousand eight hundred and—, a murder was committed of a highly sensational character. The circumstances of the crime are of a nature so dreadful and extraordinary, that it is supposed by the Victorian Government that the assassin can have had no meaner object in view than that of rivalling in daring atrocity the mysterious crimes described in the much-admired works of Gaboriau and Du Boisgobey, thus affording gratuitous material for the creation by some Colonial genius of a shilling shocker calculated to crown with glory the immortal literary achievements of our great and rising Colony.

“Taking this profoundly philosophical view of the matter, the Government have decided to offer a prize of one hundred pounds for the best sensational romance based upon the facts disclosed at the Coroner’s inquest.

“Competitors’ papers must be forwarded, post paid, to the Home Secretary on or before Guy Fawkes’ Day, 5th November, 18—.

“The assassin, members of the Legislative Assembly, and children under ten years of age, will be excluded from the competition.

“Teeth Scaled And Corns Cut, 6d.”*


* We hasten to inform the intelligent reader that this is merely part of an ingenious and opportune advertisement devised by our esteemed townsman and dentist, Dr. R. T. Shinbone, and has no connection with the proclamation of the Government.

The Mystery Of A Wheel-Barrow

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