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GEOFFREY GAIMAR, L'Estorie des Engles, ed. T.D. Hardy and T.C. Marten (Rolls Series), 1888–1889.

GEOFFREY OF MONMOUTH, Historia Regum Britanniae, ed. San Marte (A. Schulz) Halle, 1854. Translated, J.A. Giles, Six Old English Chronicles, London, 1896; S. Evans, London, 1903.

LAYAMON, Brut, ed. with translation, Sir F. Madden, 3 vols, London, 1847. WORKS ON LAYAMON—Introduction, Madden's ed. of Brut. H. Morley, English Writers, London, 1888–1890, III, 206–231. L. Stephen and S. Lee, Dictionary of National Biography, London, 1885–1904, under Layamon. For a further bibliography, see Fletcher (as above), p. 148, note 1.

WACE, Roman de Brut, ed. Le Roux de Lucy, 2 vols, Rouen, 1836–1838. Roman de Rou, ed. F. Pluquet, 2 vols, Rouen, 1827, H. Andresen, 2 vols, Heilbronn, 1877–1879, translated by E. Taylor (Chronicle of the Norman Conquest), London, 1837. WORKS ON WACE—E. Du Méril, La vie et les ouvrages de Wace, in _Jahrbuch für romanische u. englische Literatur, I, i ff.; also in his Etudes sur quelques points d'Archéologie, Paris and Leipzig, 1862. Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, Strassburg, 1888–1902, II, i, 635 ff. H. Morley, English Writers, III, 55. G. Paris, Romania, IX, 592 ff. L. Stephens and S. Lee, Dictionary National Biography, under Wace. A Ulbrich, Romanische Forschungen, XXVI, 181 ff. For further bibliography, see Fletcher (as above), p. 128, note 1.

Arthurian Chronicles: Roman de Brut

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