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Visual programming with Scratch


To encourage children to learn programming, many organizations have created programming languages designed to be easy to learn, yet powerful enough to teach people the principles of programming. One popular language designed for kids is called Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu).

Instead of requiring you to type text like most programming languages do, Scratch lets you design programs by connecting building blocks together like LEGO blocks, as shown in Figure 3-1. This visual way of learning programming can make programming easier to learn, more understandable, and more enjoyable because you avoid the problem of typing (and mistyping) program commands.

FIGURE 3-1: Programming in Scratch means connecting visual building blocks together.

Just keep in mind that Scratch is meant to teach programming principles, but it doesn’t let you create commercial applications. When you learn C or any C-derived language like C#, Python, or Swift, you’re forced to learn programming principles and language syntax at the same time. When you learn Scratch, you can just focus on learning programming principles so you’re learning one thing at a time.

When you feel ready, you can take your knowledge of programming principles and then tackle the second problem of learning a particular language syntax. So, learning programming through Scratch is a two-step process, while learning programming through a language like C is a massive, and possibly overwhelming, single-step process.

Beginning Programming All-in-One For Dummies

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