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Supported language standards


No two compilers are alike, even those that compile the same programming language, such as C++. The problem is that every programming language has an official “standard,” but the standard for most programming languages is usually far behind what people in the real world are actually using. (By the time an official standards committee agrees on the features of a given programming language, programmers have already created new features that eventually become standards in future versions of that language.)

As a result, most compilers support a given language standard plus additional features that programmers have developed. Therefore, every compiler actually works with a different dialect of a programming language. So, C++ programs that run under the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler may or may not run the same when compiled under the GCC compiler, even though both compilers claim to support the “standard” C++ programming language.

Language standards are nice but generally useless when comparing compilers. What’s more important is whether a particular compiler offers the specific features you need or want, regardless of whatever particular standard it may follow.

Beginning Programming All-in-One For Dummies

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