It's All God, The Flowers and the Fertilizer

It's All God, The Flowers and the Fertilizer
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Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.

Описание книги

In his best-selling classic, It&#39;s All God, modern mystic, Walter Starcke bridges the gap between our humanity and Divinity, as well as our traditional limited perspectives and our emerging Cosmic Consciousness.<br><br>With the insight of a biblical scholar, Starcke clarifies the foundational Truths of our Judeo-Christian tradition, as he takes humanity&#39;s spiritual roots forward into the light of the new state of human consciousness that is emerging today. His masterful knowledge of Scriptures unlocks the truths laid out in both the Old and New Testament not found in other metapshyical books. Starcke calls us to no longer separate God from our humanity and the world. With this awareness we understand that the teachings of Jesus have not been fully realized until now as humanity begins the new cycle of the Age of the Gods.<br><br>The awareness that It&#39;s All God is a requirement for living fully in this new Age of the Gods, which is this Golden Cycle we have just begun. <br>Starcke wrote that, &quot;we have been given all the pieces, each necessary, none missing, and if we want to complete the picture it is up to us to stop excluding those parts of ourselves and of our feelings that we have thought did not belong in the picture. If God is truly the only Power and Presence, then every piece, no matter how seemingly negative, insignificant, or inappropriate, has a purpose. Instead of discarding those aspects of ourselves that seem faulty or unworthy, when we stop judging them and see what they are telling us, we can find a right place for those energies and then we can complete the puzzle.&quot;<br><br>In Part One his in-depth knowledge takes us from the traditional approach through the Gnostics, to clear in-sights on the teachings of Jesus and Paul. Uniquely Starcke relates these teachings to modern Quantum Physics and the evolution of Consciousness. Starcke is not only a Biblical scholar, but also well versed in the workings of consciousness, perceptions, and reality. Part One also includes Starcke&#39;s marvelous mystical insights and meditations.<br><br>In Part Two of It&#39;s All God, Starcke gives us the &quot;how to&#39;s&quot; of practical mysticism to apply Divine Truth to our daily lives. No matter where a reader is on the path, he will find the steps to greater awareness and the clarification of the puzzle humanity has been working on for countless lifetimes. &quot;We are all on the right path at the right time. The time is Now.&quot; These how to&#39;s are not superficial, they require that we come to understand our True Self and live the Truth of our Being.<br>In part three Starcke takes us beyond our customary perspective into the realms of Higher Consciousness. These take us clearly into the new cycle, The Age of the Gods.<br><br>The realization that It&#39;s All God is the key to spiritual healing, true transformative forgiveness, and the daily expression of our Divine humanity. It is a book whose time has come. We are now ready as never before to delve into it&#39;s insights and live it&#39;s Truths. It&#39;s All God is required reading for many ministerial programs and should now be require reading for us all to live fully during this new cycle far beyond 2012. Starcke was not only ahead of his time, but a master for all Ages with tools for the rest of our journey in awareness as we live fully as Divine Humans.


Walter JD Starcke. It's All God, The Flowers and the Fertilizer



Introduction & Foundation

The Myth

My Personal Parable—The Double Thread

Part One: The What—The Way To The Present


The Traditionalists & The Gnostics

The Difference

The Lost Teachings

Quantum Physics

The Purpose of Paul

Paul versus Jesus

St. Augustine’s Follow-Up

Chapter 2—Conscious Evolution

Faithful Evolution

Evolutionary Evil

The Evolution of Consciousness

Mystical Consciousness

Conscious Mind

Subconscious Mind

Superconscious Mind



Oil and Water

Double Think

Ascension Consciousness —A Divine Gestalt

Chapter 3—The Mysterious Word

The Nature of God and Error

The Two Gods


The Chameleon God

The Metaphysical God

Omnipresence, Omniscience, Omnipotence

The Ultimate God

Tricky Spirit

The Language of Spirit

The Spiritual Universe

God as Essential Being

The Anointing

The Triune Life

Chapter 4—The Impersonal I

Part Two: The How—Practical Mysticism

Chapter 5—The Necessity of Inclusiveness

Our Inclusive Selves

Love It All

The Ways

Exclusion and Forgiveness

Exclusivity and Loneliness

Inclusive Love

Inclusive Relationships


The Prison of Concepts

Our Conceptual Clothing

Principle and Perception


Word Power

Chapter 7—Spiritual Androgyny

The Science of Complements

The Obscenity of Absolutes

The Limits of Law

The Devil And


The Principle of Priority

Chapter 8—The I That Is Us

The Metaphysical Leap

The Explosion of Self


The Inner Self

Our Divine Humanity

The Dehumanization of Jesus

Part Three: The Why—Rethought Christianity

Chapter 9—Easter Consciousness

Dear Judas


The Second Easter

The Communion Ritual

The Fifth Chapter of II Corinthians

Spiritual Business

Chapter 10—Beyond the Beyond

Beyond Faith

Beyond Reason—Chaos

Beyond Infinity—Nothingness

Beyond Atonement

Beyond Prayer

Beyond Church

Beyond God—the Thirteenth Step

Beyond Jesus

Beyond Your Self

Beyond Purse or Scrip

Beyond Morality

Beyond Death

Beyond Love

Beyond Free Fall

Chapter 11—Inclusive Healing

Before Thoughts

After Thoughts

Chapter 12—After the Talk

Self Prayer

Don’t Lose the Magic

The Circle of Christ

Feed My Sheep

The Robe

Отрывок из книги

God has appeared in my life in so many extraordinary ways including those individuals who have long since left the earth plane but continue to be a present presence such as my mother who inspired my search, as John van Druten, who encouraged my determination to leave no stone unturned and in the process introduced me to two illumined masters, Joel S. Goldsmith and Swami Prabhavananda, each of whom pointed me in different, although parallel and complementary directions.

I also want to express my appreciation for Teilhard de Chardin, Carl Jung, and many others who shared their vision through the printed word, and presently for Dr. Tadashi Akaishi who was responsible for Harper and Row's publishing my first three books and who has edited all that followed, including this one.


When I had my breakthrough in Hawaii, I saw that if I subjectively felt “It’s all God” without expressing that love objectively by my acts, I would end up creating the very duality I claimed did not exist. In reverse, if I took action that was not based on the Spirit of Love I would be doing the same thing. I realized that if I could love God, the subjective nature of life, and neighbor and self, the objective world, all in the same way and to the same degree I could honestly say, “It’s all God.” In other words, the turning point came for me when I realized that I was not a man of God or a man of earth, but both. Though those two “me’s” did not seem to be the same, my lifelong quest has been to find out how to make the two “me’s” communicate and work as one.

Until I found out how to reconcile the two strands of my nature—the subjective spiritual, and the objective physical—I had always felt that I was out of place and that something was wrong with me. When I listened to the spiritual concepts that came from the mouths of masters, something in me hungrily responded in agreement. In the background there was that personal side of me that doubted I could ever fully live up to what I heard, and, frankly, I hadn’t seen any two-legged breathing creatures who lived it absolutely either. On one hand, I was more comfortable in a fundamentally hedonistic society that did not place me under a microscope of a spiritually judgmental morality. On the other hand, at those times when spiritual content was lacking, I felt the magic of life was missing because the divine center within me or others was not being revealed and experienced. Everywhere I went, I felt something was lacking in me until I had my vision of the double thread.


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