Читать книгу More Haunted Hoosier Trails - Wanda Lou Willis - Страница 12

Ghostly Good Samaritans


In 1984 the Elkhart Truth retold a story of two women who were driving alone on a road at night. They were just north of South Bend, but below the Michigan state line. They’d lost their way and didn’t even know what road they were on. As they came to a hill, the car stalled. They tried and tried to get the motor to turn over, but with no success.

There wasn’t a house in sight. In fact, there weren’t any lights anywhere. A sense of isolation and fear came over the women. As they sat there trying to decide what to do, two strangers appeared. Cautiously, the driver rolled her window down just enough to ask if the two men would help them.

They nodded and began pushing the car slowly up the hill. As it reached the peak, it began rolling quickly down the other side. Once sufficient speed was reached, the driver was able to get the engine to turn over.

The women were so grateful they turned the car around to go back and thank the good Samaritans. When they returned to the spot where the car had died, no one was around. Both of the women got out of the car and began calling out, hoping the men would hear them and return to receive their grateful thanks. No one answered. There was only silence in the night. As the women turned to go back to their car, they stood in amazement.

The car, which had been left idling, was once again making that slow ascent up the hill as if it were being pushed. The women be-gan running, reaching the car just before it arrived at the top of the hill. They opened the doors and jumped in. The driver put her foot on the gas pedal and kept right on going—never stopping and never looking back until they’d reached their destination.

They were convinced that the two men were ghostly good Samaritans, standing watch over the hill, waiting to help unfortunate motorists with a push up the hill.

More Haunted Hoosier Trails

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